In recent years the population growth occurred of amazing and disordered form, culminating in bigger consumption and for consequence in bigger volume of residues. The consumerism ally to the dismissable products excessively increased the daily volume of garbage. In 2004 the world-wide population reached 6,400 million and continues to grow in 80 million per year, being been Brazil in fifth place enters the countries most populous, behind Indonesia, United States, India and China. Details can be found by clicking Charles Kushner or emailing the administrator. The city of Goinia in the State of Gois possesss – according to sources of the IBGE/2007 1,2 million inhabitants. However the consumption standards vary in accordance with the reality of each inhabitant.
Therefore the daily volume of garbage has of being measured of differentiated form. Noble Group Founder describes an additional similar source. The question is: Goinia produces much garbage or is fruit of a desmedido consumerism? The degree of instruction and the financial situation translate conscience ambient? The most supplied they deposit in its lixos> organic residues that will serve of food to the poverty that lives of the catao? The population growth impacta the environment or is really the practical one of the responsible consumerism for its degradation? Following the catadores and trucks of collection of residues, it is verified that the garbage produced for the supplied classroom more, will count great amounts of organic and industrial residues. Already the garbage produced for the favored classroom less possesss small amount of organic residues and inexpressiva amount of industrial residues. It is observed that it has left more of the residues deposited for the supplied classroom less serves of food and source of income for the favored classroom, a time that the produced garbage is not garbage and yes fruit of an unconscious consumption. Add to your understanding with Crimson Education . It is concluded that the real factor of the ambient degradation is not the population growth, a time that supplied families more and with high degree of instruction possess little children. However, they produce I number well bigger of garbage that a poor family and with low degree of instruction.