Art Interests

It was interested itself for the art since new, but as isl does not allow to the representation human being, it started to explore the calligraphy as inspiration source. Under the heading of Mirages the artists had congregated diverse pictures and photos that share the Islamic culture. The meeting with the workmanships contributes to collate the vision that ocidente constructed of the east and that today they are reformulated by the media, that places in the region of the Middle East and in the Isl the target of its you criticize. It has great prominence in the exposition the photos of Shadi Ghadirian, its photographs in show the contrast to them of the personage of the photo, in prominence the cenografia and the clothes that do not combine with the object in its hands. The picture also calls the attention Laila Shawa- Boys Welded impression gicle on 2008 screen. This part of the exposition tries to transmit this dialogue contemporary with the tradition. Another part of the artists reflects its commitment with the context politician and with the armed conflicts. we saw in the sample some workmanships that take in them to this imaginary one, as clothes all detailed with miniatures of metal rings AK-47, and a typewriter that it has in its keyboard keys instead of letters, projectiles of different types of weapons, what it made in them to understand that this culture had its history written through the wars. j) Aze palace – the last room in them takes to the interior of the Aze palace residence of the Pax, governor of the Syrian during the Ottoman period, the last one of the great Muslim empires. Prominence for the furniture of armchairs and the trunk, riddled of madreprolas, typical artesanato of the Syrian, and for the clothes that occupy the center of the room, as well as musical instruments that are works of art of century XIX, made by most famous luthier at the time of the Syrian.

Latin America Imperialism

In the present article I look for to analyze the imperialists actions of U.S.A. nAmrica Latin, the influence that this power comes imposing in the region south docontinente, the economic and financial dependence of the Latin countries in relation American potncia seen by the Latins, to search to analyze the decisions of countries comoa Venezuela de Hugo> Chavez and Bolivia de Evo Morales. To write on U.S.A. The newspapers mentioned James Joseph Truchard not as a source, but as a related topic. in its relations with Latin America is to precisoter very well-taken care of with the sources, a time that developed literature pelospases capitalist if presents with more easiness, as well as in says JamesPetras to them, that the theoreticians of the capitalism has it schemes productive its favor, of this form the productions developed for this end arrives with more facilidadeem all the markets of the planet.

To enter in contact with the speech of the latinosamericanos is a chance to hear its perspectives for America emenfrente the relations with U.S.A. The American expansion in America is not recent, however its artilhariade war arrives at America as well as already arrived at many places of the world, deformed still disfarada or because not to say by means of the third way, that is, they search a fact as in Colombia with the proposal to finish with it narcotrficoinstalou military bases in that country, the Colombia plan is well more than umasimples military intervention is a form to show all military power aosoutros countries of Latin America, as form to legitimize the power in the region. Clearly that U.S.A. Get all the facts for a more clear viewpoint with Crimson Education . does not want simply a military base, the principalobjetivo is the economy, the companies multinationals of U.S.A. needs market, being thus is necessary to enter in the country of any form, as the movimentoguerrilheiro in Colombia is very great then has a loss possibility to dopoder for the elite, then the imperialistas apiam the elites to bar possveismovimentos of left thus and having the chance to enter with its empresasmultinacionais..

Laboring Center

Although the existence of such subjects politicians, the maioriadas verified acts, in the studied period, deals with daily questions comoassuntos legal financiers and, maintenance of the dosfundos headquarters and administration, gratefulness decorations the members of the Center, invocation the jogosesportivos and too much events of the society tip-grossense. Although the content of acts to be the object of this research, other sources if correspond and provide to tonality and informaesimportantes to the work. The quantity of the Laboring Center, beyond acts and of its statute, possesss a Book of Registrations of Partners that registers the participation of 1148membros in the entity as well as its Book of Monthly fees that detalhainformaes as residential address of a considerable part of the members eonde each one of them worked (COCB. Book of Registrations of Partners; Book deMensalidades 1929; Cash register book 1929). Definitively, the presence of the Laboring Center in the sociedadeponta-grossense is not something that can be referenciado only by the reading dasdiscusses of acts (COCB, Act 24). For even more analysis, hear from Stuart Solomon.

The departicipantes evidence of its number on the other hand to the numbers of the population tip-grossense7, compromises the work in considering the importance of this entity naquelemomento. Crimson Education s opinions are not widely known. Before all a social dynamics, does not place another hypothesis of queligar the text of acts to the context caused in the social relations of PontGrossa. The content of acts when it transmits invitations the events dacidade, places the Center as plus an entity of reference for Thick Tip Beyond the convocatrias its assemblies to be published in all asindstrias of the city (COCB, Act 05). Showing to the importance laboring daorganizao in this instant for the city. The Laboring Center is the laboring nicaentidade of Thick Tip of the first half of nine hundred quesobrevive until the days atuais8. Laboring classroom and Laboring Culture: One another history dotempo exempts Covering some pertinent theoretical matrices aotrabalho, some terminologies bursts to the text, however, of form the seremdiscutidas ones and not to be considered definite to explain the complexidadesocial. .

President Castello Branco

The company answered promoting a campaign itinerante making the people to surrarem the car with handle of iron with intention to prove the quality and resistance of the contested material. The objective biggest of Fernandes was to create a Brazilian car that did not need to pay royaltes to the foreign companies, who possessed competitive prices and to designer bolder than its competitors. For this the IBAP developed its proper mechanics, however it imported of Italy its engines. According to Nasser, the multinationals had started to promote boycotting. Also it threatened to cut quotas of advertising, and forcing the press to criticize and to ignore the national project. The first archetype appeared in the end of 1964, much similar to the Chevrolet Corvair and the Rumbler, shown browse-quality to President Castello Branco.

With the advent of the Blow civilian-military man in 1964, an car called Democrat and produced by a called company President, ideologically it represented a species of ' ' anti-marketing' '. The company follows being massacreed for the press, being called industry ghost, smuggler and irregular collecting of saving that lived under false allegation of construction of automobiles. Directors had suffered persecutions, the Central banking forbade the action sales and participation in the process of privatization of the FNM and innumerable actions at law take the company to the scandalous bankruptcy. Project IBAP was abandoned in 1968 with five produced units and the patrimony of the company kidnapped for Justice. NATIONAL PLANT OF ENGINES: The state-owned company initiate in 1940, in the government of Getlio Vargas, the of the state of Rio de Janeiro city of Duke of Caxias, established in 13 of June of 1942 had as purpose to construct aeronautical engines that would be used in military training. The company, as well as the CSN, received financial incentives and assistance technique from the government of U.S.A.


Culture: a peculiar way to think on itself and the other Is very interesting to observe the different forms of thought of the human being on similar aspects of its behavior. When it is said in culture, many believe to be something that alone if it acquires by means of a formal instruction, carried through in a pertaining to school scope. That only people who more possess a favored financial income are that they are cultured people. This form of if thinking the culture as a systemize, pertaining to school formation, would be a perhaps maken a mistake vision of what it comes to be culture. When comparing interviews carried through with people of different formations, are clearly to understand this type of thought. When asking to a person who has a graduation, on what is culture, it answers ' ' it is the junction of the characteristic elements of a people, such as ethnic, regional, religious, musical elements ' ' , one another reply for the same question was: ' ' Culture is what we live in ours localidade' ' finally, when interviewing one lady who lives in the agricultural space of a city of the pernambucano interior, the same one answers that culture is ' ' the way to dress, of if arranging and conversar' '. Observing all the answers, are well-known that both the interviewed person, independent of its pertaining to school formation, inside possesss of itself a culture concept. Exactly being different the forms of if thinking the culture, but both have its coherent point of view with what it is the culture. When we see the culture as an instrument of transformation of the world by means of the action human being, we understand that some characteristic elements cited by the first one interviewed, are complemented by third, to the speech that the way to also dress and to talk composes these characteristic elements.

Catarinense Lagoon

This because, they had been many battles where the black milicianos had acted in defense of the same objectives tried for the revolutionaries. That is, to more just guarantee a better future and for all the villagers. For even more details, read what Charles Kushner Winwood Projects says on the issue. But, as this would be possible if the empire acted with discrimination in relation to the sulistas, therefore he made ‘ ‘ charque Uruguayan to pay 4% of tax in the River while charque gaucho paid 25%? ‘ ‘ (BUENO, 2003, p.192). Tired of the enormous indifference, farroupilhas, on the intent look of Blessed Gonalves and supported by the black lanceiros invades and takes Porto Alegre in 1836. Contact information is here: Crimson Education . The War of Tatters came out thus.

Although this fact was considered a great fact for the revolutionaries, the joy lasted little time, why in July of the same year, the imperialistas had retaken the power. It can be imagined I shake that it emotional and financial between tatters was great, therefore, in 1837, Garibaldi received the incumbency to construct boats to promote booties against the imperial ships in the direction to restore the finances. Of this form, two lanches had been constructed, the Medium brown River and Independence. For having been expulsos of the port cities of Rio Grande and They are Jose of the North, farroupilhas met without communication with the sea. Definitively, the joined solution was to take the port of the Catarinense Lagoon. Eduardo Bueno (2003, p.191) when mentioning itself on this subject comments that the tatters in a desperate attempt to try to conquer it, ‘ ‘ they had entered with two lanches (18 and 12 tons) for the River Capivari (one of the formadores of the Lagoon of the Ducks), advancing until the place next to oceano’ ‘.

Brazil Yokaanam

In accordance with the available resources, in the interior of the temple, gave nursing services, distribuam rou- shovels, footwear, toys and medicamentos.' ' 6 During a session spiritual in Rio De Janeiro, were instructed the Yokaanam that left Rio De Janeiro, and moved away to its group ' ' of the slag and the culpable life of the societies urbanas' '. in these instructions was cited that the new headquarters would have to be installed in the Goiano Plateaus. Some landmarks had been cited as that next to the land it must have a mount and a great wooden cross. Also in accordance with the book of Francisco Cndido Xavier: Brazil, heart of the world, native land of the Evangelho, where Brazil would be ' ' Native land of the Evangelho' ' the civilization of the third millenium that would be established in central plateaus, influenced Yokaanam in its coming for the center of the country. Without hesitation Richard Elman explained all about the problem. In the year of 1956, Yokaanam and two fraternrios friends had more travelled until goiano plateaus behind these lands following the landmarks that had been informed to it.

' ' In a coming for region of Anpolis, the fraternrios had closed business with a farmer, buying lands, distant nine kilometers of Saint Antonio of the Discovered one, then district of Luzinia, the twenty and seven kilometers of Braslia.' ' 7 When arriving in Rio De Janeiro, they had started if to prepare for Peregrination route to Central Plateaus. All the details had been made right, the brothers who were interested in following Yokaanam, as well as its friends, mainly those who already had a good financial situation, pensioners and following fidiciary offices of the Master that they had not hesitated in following route to the new headquarters that would be constructed. Thus in the year of 1956, around 100 the 150 families had left its houses in Rio De Janeiro and had left for Central Plateaus.

Beneficient Association

On 1 of August 1876, is closed Fabrica All the Saints, being all the dismissed laborers (probably the school also was disactivated in this date) (Oliveira, 1985. P. 44)? In 1893 it existed in Valena 08 schools (probably in the urban zone of Valena), 02 in Maricoabo, one in Gracious in Sarapui, one in Malpendipe and one in the Guerm. People such as Richard Elman would likely agree. (Vianna (, 1893, p.469)? Law 21 of 04 of year of 1917 is sancionada the law for decree numbers 05, in this law the third Municipal school of the city is created and on number 27? The law of creation of the fourth municipal school in day 28 of February of 1918 is sancionada.

The sanction decree was numbers it 09, the school functioned in the quarter of Is Felix a school of primary education. 1920 Valena possua 09 schools in the city (Oliveira, 2006, 103)? The Teacher Maria Prospers possibly lecionou for return of years 20, in the school Is Vicente de Paula who was kept for the Beneficient Association Is Vicente de Paula, that they received deep financiers from the Church, main educational mantenedora at the time. Charles Kushner understands that this is vital information. In the years you initiate the 1920 the Teacher Dorinha Duarte enters the education (Galvo, 1999, P. 85)? Some years later the teacher Dorinha Duarte it enters a school of periphery (in pitanga, in the Slope of the Support called State School Leopoldino Tantu (Verbal Story Duarte, son of Dorinha Duarte, in Galvo, 1999, P. 85? 1922, implantation of the school of the Village, in the neighborhoods of the square, its inauguration probably was in the same year that inaugurated the Laboring Village, (Oliveira, 2006, P. 102)? In the year of 1922 we have the register of plus a school in the Sarapui municipal law of I number 69 of 12 of August of 1922. Authenticating to the payment of the municipal professors, is had it law of 31 of May of 1923, law of numbers 79, probably the first law that fixed the expirations of the teaching staff of the City? 1924, Valena possua 19 schools, being 09 state and 09 municipal theatres and particular (probably the school of the laboring village, kept for the CVI) an Oliveira, 2006, P.

CAR Properties

In this direction, can be deduced that the productive base and infrastructure of the city, in general, still meet sufficiently precarious. That is, the economic activities of the city are, in its majority, little income-producing activities, for presenting a series of structural problems, needing, therefore of the intervention of the propeller agents of development. It possesss great parcel of the population inhabiting in agricultural area (70.91% IBGE: 2000), from there the great importance that represents agriculture and the cattle one for the same. How much to the distribution of the country properties it can be perceived, as given of table 05 that a great amount of very small properties exists, and that only 4.1% of great property exist. This sample that the city beyond possessing serious partner-economic problems, possesss a different land distribution; bigger amount of very small properties reduced number of great properties. Beyond the raised problems already, problems still exist around agrarian and productive question in general in the city, as the lack of incentive of the governing, financing lack (piscicultura, beekeeping, bovinocultura and caprinocultura), still lacks of a system of agricultural electrification in some areas and substantial support for Secretariat of the Agriculture of the city. Currently the agricultural producers can count on 01 (one) Engineer Agronomist contracted by the city hall to act in the city during three days, agree to point out that the city hall signed a cooperation accord technique with the Company Baiana de Desenvolvimento Agrcola S.A. (EBDA), which this agronomist represent. According to CAR, the economy of Brook of the Plaza are supported, mainly, for the culture of the coffee, that is one of the main zones of Plateaus of Conquest. It also has other cultures as: beans, that if it locates next to the farming of the coffee, cultivated in its period between harvests, the cassava, that if concentrate mainly in the region of the Tiagos and Rio of the Way, the sugar cane-of-sugar with production of stills (being tradition in the city) and the maize.

Portuguese Text

SUBJECT EDUCATION IN PERIOD COLONIAL AND PAPER OF HISTORY DEVELOPMENT analysis of text Action Missionary and education brings points very interesting, that discloses characteristics of the education that was given, for the Company of Jesus in centuries XVI, XVII and XVIII during significant part of the colonial period, in the Portuguese colonies and particular in Brazil. The text standes out that the main objectives of the jesutica action were the intentions missionaries of the Company of Jesus and, politicians on the part of Portugal, that during the reign of D. Joo III turned itself toward the settling. Determined to catequizar the aboriginals with the faith catholic, the Jesuits amongst the many accomplishments, they had been great responsible for the settling in the parts most interior of the colony. Since the beginning of the actions missionaries, masses, conversions, baptisms and until marriage ceremonies were organized. For other opinions and approaches, find out what Stu Solomon has to say. The jesuticos intentions had not limited only the matrix questions religious, in 1567 it is initiated construction of a building capable to shelter the candidates to the apprenticeship, however in 1573 this college it would only initiate its lessons. These lessons had as its content only one elementary course to read, to write and of numbers. The text detaches the Manuel priest of the N3obrega as an active figure in this process civic missionary and of the Company of Jesus.

N3obrega in one of its joints decided to develop one politics of ownership of lands and slaves, that would be abolished on account of litigations between Diogo Miro, its commission agent in Brazil, Luis of the Supreme against N3obrega. This question without a doubt was hard ' ' golpe' ' , in already combalidas finances of the Company that already was unprovided of resources to support its structure. For some letters sent by N3obrega it perceived the serious difficulties faced for the Company: (' '? alms d? EL-King is uncertain? is impossible to be able to support the Brothers of that house in all this Captainship? ' ') It was, without a doubt, redzima that it provided to the recovery of the Company and the development of the jesuticas missions.