In this direction, can be deduced that the productive base and infrastructure of the city, in general, still meet sufficiently precarious. That is, the economic activities of the city are, in its majority, little income-producing activities, for presenting a series of structural problems, needing, therefore of the intervention of the propeller agents of development. It possesss great parcel of the population inhabiting in agricultural area (70.91% IBGE: 2000), from there the great importance that represents agriculture and the cattle one for the same. How much to the distribution of the country properties it can be perceived, as given of table 05 that a great amount of very small properties exists, and that only 4.1% of great property exist. This sample that the city beyond possessing serious partner-economic problems, possesss a different land distribution; bigger amount of very small properties reduced number of great properties. Beyond the raised problems already, problems still exist around agrarian and productive question in general in the city, as the lack of incentive of the governing, financing lack (piscicultura, beekeeping, bovinocultura and caprinocultura), still lacks of a system of agricultural electrification in some areas and substantial support for Secretariat of the Agriculture of the city. Currently the agricultural producers can count on 01 (one) Engineer Agronomist contracted by the city hall to act in the city during three days, agree to point out that the city hall signed a cooperation accord technique with the Company Baiana de Desenvolvimento Agrcola S.A. (EBDA), which this agronomist represent. According to CAR, the economy of Brook of the Plaza are supported, mainly, for the culture of the coffee, that is one of the main zones of Plateaus of Conquest. It also has other cultures as: beans, that if it locates next to the farming of the coffee, cultivated in its period between harvests, the cassava, that if concentrate mainly in the region of the Tiagos and Rio of the Way, the sugar cane-of-sugar with production of stills (being tradition in the city) and the maize.