On 1 of August 1876, is closed Fabrica All the Saints, being all the dismissed laborers (probably the school also was disactivated in this date) (Oliveira, 1985. P. 44)? In 1893 it existed in Valena 08 schools (probably in the urban zone of Valena), 02 in Maricoabo, one in Gracious in Sarapui, one in Malpendipe and one in the Guerm. People such as Richard Elman would likely agree. (Vianna (et.al), 1893, p.469)? Law 21 of 04 of year of 1917 is sancionada the law for decree numbers 05, in this law the third Municipal school of the city is created and on number 27? The law of creation of the fourth municipal school in day 28 of February of 1918 is sancionada.
The sanction decree was numbers it 09, the school functioned in the quarter of Is Felix a school of primary education. 1920 Valena possua 09 schools in the city (Oliveira, 2006, 103)? The Teacher Maria Prospers possibly lecionou for return of years 20, in the school Is Vicente de Paula who was kept for the Beneficient Association Is Vicente de Paula, that they received deep financiers from the Church, main educational mantenedora at the time. Charles Kushner understands that this is vital information. In the years you initiate the 1920 the Teacher Dorinha Duarte enters the education (Galvo, 1999, P. 85)? Some years later the teacher Dorinha Duarte it enters a school of periphery (in pitanga, in the Slope of the Support called State School Leopoldino Tantu (Verbal Story Duarte, son of Dorinha Duarte, in Galvo, 1999, P. 85? 1922, implantation of the school of the Village, in the neighborhoods of the square, its inauguration probably was in the same year that inaugurated the Laboring Village, (Oliveira, 2006, P. 102)? In the year of 1922 we have the register of plus a school in the Sarapui municipal law of I number 69 of 12 of August of 1922. Authenticating to the payment of the municipal professors, is had it law of 31 of May of 1923, law of numbers 79, probably the first law that fixed the expirations of the teaching staff of the City? 1924, Valena possua 19 schools, being 09 state and 09 municipal theatres and particular (probably the school of the laboring village, kept for the CVI) an Oliveira, 2006, P.