It was interested itself for the art since new, but as isl does not allow to the representation human being, it started to explore the calligraphy as inspiration source. Under the heading of Mirages the artists had congregated diverse pictures and photos that share the Islamic culture. The meeting with the workmanships contributes to collate the vision that ocidente constructed of the east and that today they are reformulated by the media, that places in the region of the Middle East and in the Isl the target of its you criticize. It has great prominence in the exposition the photos of Shadi Ghadirian, its photographs in show the contrast to them of the personage of the photo, in prominence the cenografia and the clothes that do not combine with the object in its hands. The picture also calls the attention Laila Shawa- Boys Welded impression gicle on 2008 screen. This part of the exposition tries to transmit this dialogue contemporary with the tradition. Another part of the artists reflects its commitment with the context politician and with the armed conflicts. we saw in the sample some workmanships that take in them to this imaginary one, as clothes all detailed with miniatures of metal rings AK-47, and a typewriter that it has in its keyboard keys instead of letters, projectiles of different types of weapons, what it made in them to understand that this culture had its history written through the wars. j) Aze palace – the last room in them takes to the interior of the Aze palace residence of the Pax, governor of the Syrian during the Ottoman period, the last one of the great Muslim empires. Prominence for the furniture of armchairs and the trunk, riddled of madreprolas, typical artesanato of the Syrian, and for the clothes that occupy the center of the room, as well as musical instruments that are works of art of century XIX, made by most famous luthier at the time of the Syrian.
Month: June 2020
Hyalual Skin
Thus, the use of the drug Hyalual enables perfectly moisturize the skin, stimulate the proliferation of fibroblasts, to ensure the recovery and antioxidant effect, to block free radicals, provide metabolic processes. Such a mechanism of drug action Hyalual supports the effectiveness of recovery processes at the cellular level, elasticity and returns elasticity. Not surprisingly, it helps to restore tone, color and texture of the skin and slows the appearance of aging and fatigue. The procedure is done papulnoy technique or method of mesotherapy. Redermalizatsiya performed 1 time in 2 weeks, on average – from 3 to 6 sessions. A significant effect was observed after the first procedure and stable fixed after the second.
All subsequent administration carried out in order to maintain the result, which is reflected in a reduction of fine lines and wrinkles, smoothing a certain large, improving skin tone, etc. The procedures are well tolerated by patients. Considerable success of the developed drug Hyalual is a combination of the components in the same syringe. The components of the drug not only introduced together, but also possess the necessary synergistic effect. Zone injection Hyalual : face, neck, chest, wrist, abdomen, inner surfaces of the feet and hands. Our experience of the drug evidence-Hyalual has shown its significant anti-aging properties.
Redermalizatsiya: alternative biorevitalization. Biorevitalization – a technique that affects only one mechanism of aging. Redermalizatsiya – methods of rejuvenation and skin repair, which affects all the major pathogenetic mechanisms of aging provides a powerful and comprehensive anti-age effect. It is known that the major pathogenetic mechanisms of aging are the inhibition of metabolic processes in the skin, free radicals and reduction of hyaluronic acid. Traditional injectable drugs are composed of just hyaluronic acid, but it remains a problem in the action of free radicals and by reducing the effect due to metabolic disturbances in skin aging. The drug is a new generation of Hyalual (Gialual) incorporates a unique formula combining hyaluronic acid succinate (sodium succinate), through which all the action is implemented basic pathogenic mechanisms of aging and reached a powerful integrated anti-age effect. Hyaluronic acid moisturizes the skin due to lack of replenishment of the tissues, and stimulates proliferation of fibroblasts, increasing the endogenous synthesis of hyaluronic acid and collagen fibers. At the same time sodium succinate provides a powerful antioxidant and restorative effects, providing an impact on the metabolic processes in the skin: enhances the cellular and tissue respiration, ion transport, protein synthesis, and a powerful stimulation of energy production (ATP). Thus, to achieve an integrated express anti-age effect should affect all basic pathogenic mechanisms of aging. Prepared by the Author's Cabinet contouring Botox Bridal Kiev, Rusanivka Boulevard, Davydov, 3, tel.: (050) 355-95-49, (044) 295-51-61