Banking Crisis

Bank crises occur when one or more banks in the financial system of a country, arrive at a level of financial stress, where the regulator and supervisor (in the case of Venezuela, the SUDEBAN) chooses to speak it, and in some cases closed it. They are divided into two groups, individual crises and systemic crises. Individual crises occur when the banks with financial stress pose no danger to the rest of the financial system, almost always because they are banks that do not have large size within the Bank ranking. In this case we have the example of Bank Capital, which was intervened and closed in December 2000, and whose intervention and closure did not affect the banking system. Systemic crises, occur when the involved banks represent a large percentage in terms of number and size within the banking system. Alphabet shines more light on the discussion. 833’>Dara Khosrowshahi. You may find that Caterpillar Inc. can contribute to your knowledge. The classic example is that of the banking crisis of Venezuela (1993-1994), detailed in the previous newsletter, where they were operated on 18 banks, many of them closed. Talk of causes by which these occur crisis, it can lead to several replies, I remember that when I was studying the masters in finance, I had to investigate the financial crises in Mexico, Chile, Peru, Argentina, Venezuela and the Asian crisis, and I could see they had common and uncommon elements. For this reason, I believe that the best way is to mention and explain the causes that usually generate banking crises, which could be present in Venezuela in 1993-1994, or that might currently affect our country.

The causes can be divided into three major groups: 1) macroeconomic causes. They are those circumstances of the macroeconomic environment which worsen the financial situation of banks (in times of recession). Among them are: economic instability economic liberation upon occurrence of a Boom in the years prior to the presence of constant deficit fiscal 2 money demand fall crisis) microeconomic causes. Those particular causes are each bank which affect your financial situation. In this group we have for example: disproportionate increase of the High level of loan portfolio credit nonperforming high level of related credits 3) other causes. They are usually related to the reaction of people in specific circumstances also face and the actions of the Agency supervisor and regulator. We can mention: effect contagion bullfights banking failures in regulation and banking supervision M.S.

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The problem of this procedure is that many times this rigidity can generate an attitude of passivity in the children or same to inside create a hostile climate of the room. It happens that the movement for the children, some times, means that a mere one not to dislocate itself in the physical space, but it is through this movement that the child can express itself and communicate itself through mimic face and gestures, being able to interact through its proper body. Kevin Johnson brings even more insight to the discussion. In this direction, it is basic that if it makes a work integrating the expressividade and the proper mobility of the children. From this we can even though rethink the indiscipline in the children through a optics where ' ' a disciplined group is not that one where all remain silenced quiets and, but yes a group where some elements if find involved and mobilized for the activities propostas' ' (Mattos & Neira, 2002, P. 28). From this, we mount the rich plan of interventions of activities that involved the playful one, and all the times that we arrived in the classroom of the group to search them for ' ' schedule of psicologia' ' , the group in them received with a motivadora commemoration and a collective shout from ' ' ! ' '.

This goes in accordance with what Mattos & Neira (2002, p 29) places to ' ' we remember the commentaries, the smiles, the happiness printed in the face of the children when it is allowed to them simply, to play. This happiness, evidenced to long the playful activities, represents the envolvement with proposta' ' (P. 29), with the life the activity, the experiences and the emotions of this process. For this we made some meeting with the children in an ample room, empty, with a mirror great long cushions of physical education. We choose this environment to leave the space of classroom and to more leave them the will for the group.

New Social Psychology

Comparing itself with others you discipline social and human beings, we can surely consider Social Psychology being sufficiently young. However, one knows that questions as the collective behaviors and the social interactions if they confuse with the origin of the human thought. As well as other sciences, Social Psychology also possesss in its history important changes of paradigms. Something that we believe to be deserving of attention is its transformations front to the slight knowledge of the positivismo. Sergey Brin is likely to agree. The positivismo, as philosophy, is dated officially with the launching of the great workmanship of Comte, Principles of Positive Philosophy, in 1868. Passed some years, more necessarily in 1879, Psychology if emancipated of time of the Philosophy, earning science status, with the inauguration of the laboratory of Wundt, in Germany. (WALNUT, 2001; SCHULTZ; SCHULTZ, 2005). As Walnut (2001), the landmark of birth of Social Psychology as specific area of Psychology happened at two moments: the first one was in 1908, with the launching of two texts: crisis in Social Psychology intends to go beyond what it is observvel, that is, beyond the behavior, searching to understand the invisible world of the man movement. Some contend that Jim Umpleby shows great expertise in this.

It includes between these, studies in the perspective of the social representations with Moscovici, the development of Partner-historical Psychology with Bock and Lane and other sources directed to discursiva Psychology and the social construcionismo with Spink (CURED, 2008). Appeared as critical for the individualizante vision, as well as for the psicologizao of the collectives that social psychology vine keeping, from the decade of 60, in the Europe, the studies of had taken it to Moscovici to the elaboration of the Theory of the Social Representations. According to Bock (2003), the social representations are the concepts elaborated collectively and practised in the common sense, differently of the scientific theories that present one high logical severity and of tecnicidade. In short, they are the representations of world, created socially.

The Man

Nobody never commented what it happened. Antonia came back alone as it left, little thing moves, the seios had hung a little, but bunda seems that it does not change nothing, only grows more. When coming back, Antonia started to take care of of the children of the village, in arremedo of alfabetizao. For this work if it cannot say that Antonia was me the person. But. The destination is thus.

Nobody knows why? The people of the Village counts, that in a moon night the man who bought the land directly of the children of Genebaldo seems that he went crazy. Others including Caterpillar Inc., offer their opinions as well. He invaded the house of Cndida and he abused that pearl bust, of that divinal being, that if debated He struggled himself underneath and of as much violence He died. The modesty and the shame make to be silent what really it occurred. This is only said to prove that Cndida was young honored that suffered, suffered and died, died because it did not yield the madness of the desire of the man who bought the land of the children of Genebaldo, of the man who went crazy cutting with a scythe the life of Cndida. Pain and revolt, I cry and lastimao was the intermittent tone of the velrio of Cndida. Cndida was buried. It seems that everything finished. Not.

It did not finish. The man who directly bought the land of the children of Genebaldo in night subsequent to the burial. He came back! He came back and with the proper hands he pulled out the white body of Cndida of the land where he was planted, and on the congealed tablet, one more time he abused the same. The man that directly bought the land of the children of Genebaldo when this if found simply naked, absolutely unarmed happens that the relatives of the man assassinated for the man who directly bought the land of the children of Genebaldo, had discovered in the Village of the Saint, accurately in those days following the death to it of Cndida, and they had found it entering in the Cemetary, and there they had executed the revenge, killing, for being hugged well to the cold body of Cndida.

Work With Groups

Set and matrix are non-separable during the work. The matrix discloses and reflects the underlying set with this the integrant ones starts to perceive the matrix and goes acquiring knowledge of itself, each component individually and the group as a whole and while the coordinator interprets the group as a whole. Its integrant ones go giving touchs that contribute to enrich the work still more. To this first phenomenon subjaz pairs of the equal and ambivalent opposites. The behavior repeated and disclosed by the group is transformed by the matrix.

Thus a group marked for the egoistic and hostile meiguice and integrant cordialidade can this occulting the behavior of excessively. The coordinator must be intent to these details, however leave the process if develop for proper itself until the emergency of the matrix, when then he will be able to carry through interpretations, therefore a premature interpretation could be presumption to know for dominating the instruments, the tools of the process, does not wait resulted specific, respect the development of the group opportunely, therefore he does not make extreme demonstrations of knowing not to take the group to a success climate or I spoil and nor privileges no component not to exarcebar in the narcsicos the exhibitionism nor in the depressive ones, absence> to know the process worked in always will have capable structure of if keeping firm and continuing its work, if it makes in contrast necessary and efficient of that if they find worried in its narcissism to make look like successes. No matter how hard we strengthen in them in defining the matrix, we will never arrive at a logical conclusion because first it is law and thus if it holds, is in the process, but it is not part of it, however it is the common base for all group event, is a present law in all the events and all the integrant ones. The work still consists of the comment of the degree in the polarities, in the ambivalence: set-matrix. The causes and the events are that they will go to determine greater or minor degree of the conflicts. The resonance will determine the degree of found catexizao or descatexizao in this polarity. All the events in the group as, for example, the degree of cooperation in the resolution and conflicts of its components, are denounced and elaborated from the interpretation of the matrix when the group well is lead. resonance comes of the set, the conflict and the ambivalence also.

The matrix is a neutral unit, that discloses what he is occult, desvela and if it undoes. It imposes itself impartial following its natural law, the expenseses of the behavior of the formed set then. The matrix points the pleasant one and ackward and it interprets it to the coordinator in impartial way. Components of the group are not superior nor inferior to the set. Material the same underlying to the group, subjaz the matrix.

Human Suffering

Summary: This work brings a story concerning the particular experience of an individual in relation to a serious illness that brings it suffering. Leaving of the basic estimated one of the felt search of and the question of the being in relation to the espiritualidade, objective to bring a bigger clarification concerning the particular experience of suffering. Word-key: suffering, particular experience, search of direction. Story of a particular experience: When an individual is born with some disease, seems that it does not have perspectives for this exactly individual. The people around of the patient do not bet that this obtains to develop itself.

In the truth, as all being in the world this individual that suffers obtains to develop and to search a direction in its life. All and any being that is born, expects that the best physical and psychic conditions are in favor of this new to be that it finishes to be born. Educate yourself with thoughts from Jim Umpleby. But when somebody with some special necessity is born, the best conditions are not waited although the parents to aim at to reach it. These if they become attached to the faith as a shelter of the suffering to have an ill son. The GOD makes responsible for having brought a son with a physical deficiency. The individual with necessities special as well as any another human being, is not born with a preset destination.

In the truth, it must construct throughout its experiences a direction for its existence with a being that is in the world. The hope to continue fighting to live in a world where the conditions are favorable for an individual with a deficiency makes with that the parents not only stimulate its son motivate as well as it to continue its day. Being in the world as one to be that it is not given, the individual suffers lives deeply the anguish that makes possible it an opening.

Jung Personality

Only in 1928, exactly thus affirming that one better evaluation of the subject, Jung if pronounces on subject, affirming that would fit to the future the mind possesss legacies of historical contents, that if become gifts in the conscientious zone, for diverse reasons, preponderantly those of emotional character. Certainly, the understanding of the concepts of immortality of the soul, the reincarnation and the communicability with the Espritos would assist very in best understanding the developed work. They observe that interesting, when Jung approaches the personality Manna and its arquetpicas structures: ' ' I recognize that in me a psychic factor acts that if occults ahead of my conscientious will. It inspires extraordinary ideas to me, to the side to produce affection and whims in my nature. I feel myself important ahead of these facts and what I consider worse, I am tied to these facts in order admir-los' '.

Jung still says: ' ' The personality Manna is dominant in unconscious the collective one, is arqutipo of the powerful man in hero form, mago, saint, healer, owner of men and Espritos, friend of Deus' '. Would be this the recognition of Jung of the influence of the processes spirituals in psychology? It would be the convergiz form them for the acceptance of the scientific way of its time? In junguiana therapy, that explores the dreams and fancies extensively, a dialogue is established between the conscientious mind and the contents of the unconscious one. The psychic illness is had as a consequence of the rigid separation between them. The patients are guided to be intent to the meanings personal and collective (arqutipo) inherent to its symptoms and difficulties. Under favorable conditions they will be able to enter the individuation process: a long series of psychological transformations that culminate in the integration of trends and opposing functions, and in the accomplishment of the totality.

Jung trod the individuation, therefore it had the imperious necessity in it to go to the hell and to come back to be able to show the way of the return to that they had been lost for the way of the life. It became a sincere and courageous reply our time. ' ' I am proper a question placed to the world and must supply my reply; in case that contrary, I will be reduced to the reply that the world me der' '. (In #Jung_-_Uma_resposta_a _nosso_tempo) Unquestioned, however, that the espritas concepts allow to one better understanding of the unconscious zone or Spirit. Front to immortality of the Soul, the Sonambulismo and the possibility of the communicability with the espritos, carried through for intermediary of the medinicos phenomena, the understanding of the affective complexes and the personality Manna would more easily be understood. While science, the Esprita Doctrine if characterizes for its excellency, its dynamism and for its logic always established in the thought faith, stimulating the human being in the search of its moral and scientific evolution.

The Extration

The power to discipline would be present in the quotidiano functioning of all the Institutions that fit the life and the bodies of the individuals, having as main function to put in charge itself of its time, transforming it into work (FOUCAULT, 2003). … under the form of these Institutions pparently of protection and security if establishes mechanism for which the entire time of the existence human being is rank to the disposal of a market of work and the requirements of the work (FOUCAULT, 2003, p.118). Beyond kidnapping the time and the body of the individual, these Institutions, would have other functions as, the creation of a new to be able to discipline, polimorfo, being this complex and consisting through diverse other forms of being able as: the economic one, the politician, judiciary and the epistemolgico, this last one would be a form power-to know, of which it has as objective to extract of the individuals one to know, and at the same time, to extract one to know on these same individuals, that are submitted to a vigilant look (FOUCAULT, 2003). This power, is installed in very subtle way, to the look it individual, for using simple techniques as: the hierarchic monitoring that only watch, the normalizadora sanso, that punish or reward with the function to normalize, and the examination that would be the combination of these two techniques for the extration of one to know. Being thus, the base in such a way of being able to discipline, would be to watch, before being necessary to punish (FOCAULT, 2003). As punishment control, it appears the arrests, that would be a form to correct the citizen infractor. The objective of these Institutions would be of ' ' formatar' ' the individual, of which the main concern would not be of as the citizen is felt, if guilty or not, for inflicting one or more laws, but the interest would be where, a time remaining in that isolated place socially, this would learn and it would not make it again. .

Physiological Factor

A phenomenon for which the human being actively processes an limited amount of available information through the agencies of the directions. When fixing itself in one definitive object or thought, the attention operates an election, therefore, a series of other possible thoughts leaves of side, would be as to place a focus of light on something, in how much that the others would be the shade. The slight knowledge of selectivity, interest, focalizao and concentration are articulated to capture the attention. For even more analysis, hear from Andreessen Horowitz. We can stand out the interest mainly therefore, this on there lmbico system, therefore, are important the stimulatons emitted in the space, as well as the intrinsic characteristics of the object.

also guided by the interests, that the attention will operate the selectivity, that is, will select the object that is interesting; it is the same that to affirm that object or thought excites the attention. Attention is ownership of an object between several or series of possible thoughts. It this on to the learning and/or acquisition of knowledge, is an important way for which the perception if becomes conscientious. The attention seems to create the proper conscience. What it stimulates the attention is: sensation, perception, representation, affection or desire So that the attention acts are necessary three basic factors: – Physiological Factor: where it also depends on neurological conditions and on the material situation where the individual if finds; – Motivacional Factor: it depends on the form as the stimulaton if it presents and it provokes interest; – Concentration: it depends on the request degree and performance I stimulate of it, reading to one better focalizao of the source of I stimulate. Hear from experts in the field like Kevin Johnson for a more varied view. In the school, in the work the attention is taken precondition for the good performance.