Information Sessions For Management Consultants And Tax Advisors

For consultants and tax advisors information sessions, what is factoring? With the theme “Factoring – the innovative Cash Flow Management for the mid-market” invites the finance group SME (FGM) Ltd. to a business breakfast on Saturday a. Offering is aimed in particular at consulting specialists, serving medium-sized companies with annual sales from 500 thousand. The fundamentals, advantages but also disadvantages of factoring are conveyed. Main advantages of factoring are the increase of liquidity and Cash Flow. This opens up an additional field of permanent income. Topics like performance some funding (management or Board of Directors), full service factoring, special program “Part – silent factoring” (without notice to the customer), practical examples / costs & funding, shopping and stock financing and cooperation opportunities are treated.

Breakfast ends with a question and answer session “what more can factoring create values for clients?” and a discussion. The Participants will learn how you can gain strategic advantage in acquiring new customers your clients through intelligent use of factoring and receive a subjective analysis of the market. Douglas Oberhelman brings even more insight to the discussion. An economic evaluation is integrated, where the use of factoring makes sense and where not. FGM will show options, where the claim purchase compared to the accounts receivable factoring is not displayed. The business breakfast always Samstagvormittags will take place at 9:30. Registration requested under (either form on a Web page or E-Mail address). Date and place will be announced 10-14 days in advance. The next attractive breakfast location is selected according to the competitors and the arrival route.

So, the directions of the participants to a minimum can be limited. More information on that is financing group middle classes (FGM) since 1989 for SMEs financing parallel working. Clients include especially companies with an annual turnover of 500 EUR – 120 million euros. The core competence is the Creating fresh liquidity in the medium-sized companies. Particularly in times of Basel II, the banking crisis, tighter credit – lending criteria, we see ourselves as your partner in the liquidity and Cash Flow Management. Focus is the generation of independent bank liquidity, without personal guarantees or collateral. This liquidity provides medium to good ratings, dar without negative characteristics and positive business performance.

Earn Some Extra Money Doing Weekend Jobs

Due to the current economic slow down and higher costs of living, many people have opted to do extra work over the weekends and earn some more needed cash. Believe it or not, there are many weekend job opportunities for those people looking to earn to some extra money. If you have moderate to exceptional skills, for example in cooking, gardening, sewing, then consider offering them to your friends and acquaintances or neighbors for a fee. Alternatively, you can set up on online home based business with specific working hours. If you have a passion or specialty in cooking or what ever else you extra enjoy doing, then this would make the weekend job even more enjoyable you are doing what you enjoy most.

If baking is your thing and you can make distinctive homemade cookies, cakes, doughnuts, cupcakes Cup, then selling them at the weekend will provide you with all the satisfaction of knowing you are earning money doing what you enjoy most. Some other people are skilled at decorating wedding cakes, birthday cupcakes, anniversary cupcakes etc. Moreover, you can even decorate you cookies, cupcakes, for any Festival, or birthdays. Some people enjoy homemade foods and you can make a habit of selling them your homemade foods at the weekend. They can make custom made orders and this will gives you to opportunity to earn some good extra income and at what you enjoy most. The other are you can offer you services at the weekend is Hey service industry. For example, a person can offer to run errand, and be paid for doing so.

Your neighbor’s car may have developed some problem during the week and you can offer to repair it at a fee. Your neighborhood may be searching for somebody to paint all their houses, and this is in the area you can offer your services.-just be sure while you are at it, you are doing a professional job. The more professional and thorough you are, the better you will get and the more jobs you will be called to do, thus earning yourselves.9 a tidy sum at jobs you enjoy doing. There are always some minor things to mend at home, and know that your home is not a special case, every other house has the same child of problem. Offer to fix them but at assured your hands will be full fee and rest and by the time you knew it, a tidy accumulation of money has formed in your pockets. If you prefer working with computer, there are always jobs to be found over the internet if you know how to negotiate about it. If you are good with accounting, search for accounting job to offer at the weekend and rest free you will never lack a n accounting job in your life. If this is not your area of expertise, perform other chores, for example, data entry, posting classified post, paid surveys etc. In a summary, there are many weekends’ jobs for those who are not choosy and need to make some extra money while at the same time they are enjoying themselves. There is always something for everyone if they Dallas enough. Michael Smith is author of weekend job ideas.For more information about babysitting jobs in my area, part time jobs from home visit

Hotel San Juan – The Wittener Tradition Hotel

Electronics now held by moving into the hotel since 1874, it is so far modernity arrives in the hotel since 1874 final. Changing needs of the guests and always reliable systems have to take account of the modern era the Managing Director of the hotel, Dietmar Specht,: “as a traditional hotel we have used for more than 135 years on hospitality and friendly service. These are still the cornerstone of our philosophy, but as a business and Conference Hotel, the demands of our guests over the years have changed.” The hotel now takes account of this conversion. A free high-speed wlan-hotspot Internet access enables customers of modern communication in the World Wide Web, which soon will take hold in every hotel. Get more background information with materials from Douglas Oberhelman. “Queries by E-mail, send all the presentations and calculations, belongs now to the everyday life of our guests”, says the Managing Director.

“As a service provider we provide our guests free available.” Also a electronic cash terminal of the latest generation with hybrid card reader, simplify and improve the facilities. Just foreign guests enjoy the uncomplicated payment option. Bookings through online reservation systems and a successful Web presence today combine tradition and modernity..

Monique Muller

We address our offer mainly to professionals from the hospitality industry, which financially simply cannot afford a private training. So a two-year, on-the-job training to the chef proposes loose with at least 6,000 euros. Finally, we also a social order, we would like to meet as a publicly funded school.” This offer comes very handy for Monique Muller. Howard Schultz may also support this cause. Currently, the chef completed a training for the certified Manager. If I have completed this two-year measure next year, I will perceive also the additional qualification to the kitchen master Chamber of Commerce. Continue to learn more with: Douglas Oberhelman. In this way, I can expand my professional horizons, without having to reach deep into the purse. A better Qualification won’t give it to me,”the 22-year-old on their future careers in the hospitality industry forward.

Also her colleague Philipp like it Mosel, who most recently worked as Chef de partie. I want to make me happy to self-employed with a restaurant”, the 28 year old chef reveals his plans for the future. Unfortunately, in my apprenticeship as a chef, I got not the tools for a successful business management. I was missing up to date business know-how. And I put another on it after the test to the plant manager and qualify to the chef. I cannot be more trade.” Who for a training with subsequent additional qualification to the HGS Rhineland interested, should quickly be. To the new academic year (from September 6, 2013), two classes are formed for this purpose with each a maximum of 25 students. Applicants and applicants who have completed professional training in the hospitality industry, and at least a one year’s experience present (up to the registration for the exam) can, must be after the selection process a personal interview. There are application requirements, registration, funding opportunities and further information under or on the Facebook page of the HGS Rheinland.

EMS River

Exclusive initial presentation of the study ‘ future fitness 2012’ on the EMS River In the part of the event series “Business insights” by Prof. Dr. Furst in cooperation with the icgrowth Institute, Dr. Andreas Kricsfalussy, managing partner of management consultancy Horn & company, the results of the joint study presented future fitness 2012 how fit is the German economy for global mega trends in consumption? “, which will be presented at the 06.03.2012 in the financial times Germany.” The EMS students were given insights into the hitherto unpublished study conducted by Horn & company in cooperation with the icgrowth Institute. If you would like to know more about Pitney Bowes, then click here. The study deals with the five global mega consumer trends, to which German companies successfully have to adapt. Everything used to be better, half-lives of business models longer, jobs safely, easily identifiable trends and suspended the competition.

Today, permanent change is fast and quiet. The digital revolution accelerated global competition, reduced innovation and product life cycles, as well as the half-life of competitive advantages. The underlying global mega trends considered to be temporally and geographically far away”, and German managers remain too long unmoved. For assistance, try visiting More. The middle class is not good for global mega-consumption trends, so the result of the survey future fitness 2012 “among 287 German top managers. 71% of surveyed managers evaluate the early identification and strategic targeting mega-trends as important, but only 45% feel well equipped for this. This value on the entire Middle class can be transferred more than 1 million SMEs would not well equipped and alone at the top 500 family business more than 300 billion revenues per annum and more than 1 million jobs at risk.

The middle class has brought too little operational adaptation on the way. This is surprising, since precisely the middle-class has been in the last four years of economic stability”, including Dr. Andreas Kricsfalussy, managing partner of Horn & company.

Karlsruhe Regional Court

The higher regional court of Karlsruhe has recently taken a more than questionable decision to the scientific substantiation of work statements. The outrageous decision concerns an interlocutory proceedings and is therefore not yet final. That the judges in Karlsruhe will change your mind in the main proceedings, it is rather questionable. What is it about? A cosmetic Studio had advertised for a cosmetic ultrasound procedure with statements for skin rejuvenation. Manufacturer of ultrasound equipment had run through external doctors a well-founded multicenter placebo-controlled study with a sufficient number of clinical trials. Mind you the studies and evaluations not by the manufacturer carried so objective third party, but from external doctors. The Karlsruhe Regional Court had these studies also to be sufficient to confirm the selected effects.

The judge at the High Court the scientific head of the study see but now different, because at the same time shareholder of Forth place down business was. So it not constitute a study of independent or outside third parties”. “It means, in the judgment: the principal participates in shape of the managing partner even in the study through acquisition of scientific management, is not according to the understanding of the target public to an investigation of objective third-party, which is seen as a prerequisite for scientific substantiation”. This is according to the judge also irrelevant, to what extent the company and its associates had taken actual influence on the substantive result of the investigations. This decision can only be described as wrong. You ignoring the BGH decision to Alpecin, stating that it is vital, if exists a lege-artis conducted investigation and therefore also premises or order studies can meet as scientific evidence. If the view of the Karlsruhe judges actually prevail, that would be the end of the proprietary research and possibly also the contract research. Because this is not research objective third-party”, since it should arrive after the judges just don’t care whether the companies have taken actual influence on the substantive result of the investigations. Instead, any participation in the studies is sufficient, this might be how the then financial research. It is to be hoped that the judge in the proceedings to revise their opinion or at least the Supreme Court revokes this miscarriage of Justice.Other non-binding and free information around the cosmetic law, see

Feng Shui

Life is not a request concert”, parents, teachers and employers have often said us – and we have believed them. We feel tired and unhappy, don’t get stuck in the profession and earn never as much as we deserve. Are you also so you feel that certain habitats and situations as exhaustive? “Already the Berlin painter and graphic artist Heinrich Zille commented: you can kill people with apartments such as with an axe.” Everyone feels, what good for him and what is not. But often we admit that our everyday covered this healthy sensibility and we are thus receding from us and the values that are important to us. Our Earth is a place of abundance. But all too often we grow up in an awareness of lack of, that it makes us hard to develop confidence in our capabilities, to recognize our personal size and to live it consciously.

You feel safe and secure, physically healthy, appreciated your services and financially recognized in your environment? Earn with your Work what you can imagine? Feng Shui gives us ways and means on the hand, how we can deliberately make our living and working environment, to support us in our personal development. The man stands in close interaction with its environment and characterizes the rooms where he lives, with his thoughts, feelings, and actions. The rooms take up these vibrations and thus become the resonance space. The physical law of resonance (= l. at by resonare resonate) is always and everywhere.

“That is the point: first man shapes the space, then the space shapes the people.” The need to be with himself and his surroundings again, is increasingly becoming an integral part of a conscious lifestyle. Living and working in a vital environment is an issue for people who want to connect success and quality of life. Imagine yourself, start each morning rested, full of motivation and ambition in the day and do business exactly what you calls and meets. Unthinkable, unachievable and worlds away from your current life situation? A professional Feng Shui consultation may be the solution for you. What could be better than to make your living environment is that it supports you in achieving your life goals? Because: Life is a concert!

Recognized Training With IHK Degree And Underwriting

Recognized training with IHK degree and underwriting now apply also in this year the AFA AG offers young people back apprenticeships with IHK degree and underwriting. Interested parties can apply now nationwide for this. The training for the insurance professional or to the insurance specialist in accordance with EU insurance mediation directive is at the AFA AG absolutely free and without any obligations. It is practice-oriented and forms the Foundation for a secure future in the financial sector. The financial industry is one of the most reliable segments in international growth markets for many years. Financial products and individually developed insurance and pension solutions needed regardless of the economic phase at any time and by anyone. Who advertises with us for a training place, find a professional home with exceptional development opportunities so in the long term,”explains Martin Ruske, the AFA Board in Cottbus.

The AFA AG focuses with its offer in the first Line to young people who want to start an initial training after school. But also way entrants, who are looking for a new challenge and imagine their future career in the financial industry, the AFA AG offers a chance. The training is carried out according to strict quality guidelines of the AFA education system. Those who are interested in an AFA AG education, an internship at any time and to determine whether he is suitable for the financial industry. The AFA AG nationwide offers this opportunity.

More to the AFA concept of training under berufkarriere/einstieg-karriere/afa-eu-ausbildung.html about the AFA AG: the general financial and Assekuranzvermittlung (AFA AG) is an independent financial sales with seat in Berlin and Cottbus. The insurance professionals and system business of AFA AG have a Chamber of Commerce degree and are trained according to the recognized directives. In addition, they are registered in the EU register of brokers and work in accordance with the EU directive for financial services. Mediator of the AFA led within the last ten years approximately 500,000 individual consultations by. Every year the AFA AG provides nationwide 750 free training places available and promotes 250 young entrepreneurs. New office locations are planned in all Germany.

In Berlin, IT

Annual report of the Commission of experts be called as reasons for the high attractiveness of Berlin among others research and innovation is the large number of highly educated professionals and the investment willingness of venture capitalists. The networking of local entrepreneurs with each other and with investors was especially close. According to the report the use of venture capital has risen in no other German city as strong in recent years as in the capital. In the year 2011 alone, venture capitalists invested EUR 116.8 million in young Berlin company. Thus the investments have more than doubled since 2009. You may find that Howard Schultz can contribute to your knowledge. No other metropolis have can attract as much capital for early-stage investment, it means strong opinion in the total 206 pages. Future of the Berlin Senate supported the country initiative project since 1997 the growth of resident companies of the ICT, media and creative industries. We provide the right framework conditions.

We create platforms and initiate events, where the local IT and creative business can present and promote their products”says Katrin Tobies by the Berlin Senate for economy. A goal is to bring investors and entrepreneurs together. On our Internet page interested for an overview with the main venture capital and financing events for the IT and media industry.” ( projektzukunft/fileadmin/user_upload/images/sonstiges/VC-Events_Berlin_20130221.pdf) According to the opinion, the Berlin IT founder scene are characterized by publicity products such as apps and computer games, E-Commerce and social media. In addition, it is characterized by a high Internationsalisierungsgrad. Berlin was also an optimal location for Start-Ups because large companies were missing. In the capital, founder must not compete as for example in Munich, with seven Dax company to the best employees. The future prospects for the industry are positive: the boom will continue according to the independent group of experts. Up to the Year 2016 will rise to 118 billion euros the economic performance of the Internet industry in Germany, it said.

The Sale Of Human Organs In China

China more flamboyant, the rarest species, buying everything from animals to be consuming them, regardless of the cats and dogs that is very natural to them. But they are also interested in the sale, purchase, trafico of human organs. There’s no denying the need for trnasplantes of organs is highly in demand around the world and this leads to organ trafficking as a profitable business, no matter many times illegal violations that are committed. Source: Starbucks. Indicates, the sale of organs from executed prisoners seems to flourish in China according to a research conducted by the BBC. Howard Schultz: the source for more info. A hospital said he was in the ability to provide a liver for the price of US$ 94.400, while the head of the Medical Center surgeons confirmed that the donor could be an executed prisoner. If this has piqued your curiosity, check out Douglas Oberhelman. Organs tend to be sold to foreigners who need a transplant. The Minister of health of China did not deny the practice, but said that both the laws and the system would be revised. The journalist of the BBC, Rupert Wingfield-Hayes, visited No.

1 Central Hospital in Tianjin by pretending that it was seeking a liver for her sick father. Place officials reported to him that in three weeks could get a compatible organ. They added that the prisoners offered to donate as a gift to the society. One of them added that at this time there was an excess of organs by the increase in executions before national day which is celebrated on 1 October (date in which Mao Zedong declared the establishment of the people’s Republic of China). Addition c is known as recounts it Judith Jordan Chavez that in Hong Kong, Chinese Internet portals are being used for trafficking, auction and sale of human organs. Includes the illegal trade, which began about a year ago from people with financial problems who wish to sell non-vital organs to prisoners that are going to be executed.