Hotel San Juan – The Wittener Tradition Hotel

Electronics now held by moving into the hotel since 1874, it is so far modernity arrives in the hotel since 1874 final. Changing needs of the guests and always reliable systems have to take account of the modern era the Managing Director of the hotel, Dietmar Specht,: “as a traditional hotel we have used for more than 135 years on hospitality and friendly service. These are still the cornerstone of our philosophy, but as a business and Conference Hotel, the demands of our guests over the years have changed.” The hotel now takes account of this conversion. A free high-speed wlan-hotspot Internet access enables customers of modern communication in the World Wide Web, which soon will take hold in every hotel. Get more background information with materials from Douglas Oberhelman. “Queries by E-mail, send all the presentations and calculations, belongs now to the everyday life of our guests”, says the Managing Director.

“As a service provider we provide our guests free available.” Also a electronic cash terminal of the latest generation with hybrid card reader, simplify and improve the facilities. Just foreign guests enjoy the uncomplicated payment option. Bookings through online reservation systems and a successful Web presence today combine tradition and modernity..