GOING PUBLIC! Academy for Finanzberatung AG offers immediately a new check airbag for the 34f competence testing ‘Financial expert system administrator Chamber of Commerce’. Berlin, July 4, 2013 with the end of the transition period for 34 c-holder can financial service providers now offering new benefit from: the check airbag allows a further training and a specific exam preparation, should not be achieved the goal of testing existence. Our participants are typically to be built easily their exams at the first attempt. Our institutional customers called last quotas of existence of in the cut over 90% “reported Dr. Wolfgang Kuckertz, CEO of GOING PUBLIC!.” The functioning of the check airbag: 1 there is a GOING PUBLIC! Participants despite the mutual efforts the written part of the examination, the complete eLearning area without ifs and buts for more is not so released three months. 2. The face-to-face training to prepare for the oral exam can be repeated, if the oral exam is not passed, although the participants was present during the entire exam preparation. With well over 1,500,000 answered online tasks and about 4,000 participants our course models are already optimized, that we are able to offer such a testing airbag.

For the participants, means greater security in obtaining their professional permit. “, explains Mr Dr. Kuckertz. The check airbag will all participants automatically are available, with the next start date on the 01.09.2013 a course to prepare on the competence examination pursuant to section 34f GewO (financial expert system administrator IHK) at GOING PUBLIC! Start Academy for financial advice. It is irrelevant what course model is selected: the classic Variant in the blended learning concept, the Online-V@riante with live seminars in the virtual classroom, or the myTraining variant for intermediaries who are already technically top fit.

Professor Steven Reiss

From the mass of 400,000 trainers in Germany falling by new impulses. Barriers to market entry into the profession of coach are virtually non-existent. There is no generally binding profession, no mandatory training, unlimited access to the profession… A contracting entity should opt for what coach is hardly recognizable. Therefore it applies to approximately 40,000 trainer alone in Germany, to feel important trends and impulses, to be at least one step ahead in the highly competitive market.

“The count goes down: at the largest trade fair for personnel management in Europe, which staff in Cologne, will future it from 22 to 25 September 2009 again so go, the non plus ultra” to find and to distinguish themselves positively from the crowd. Particularly positive impulses staff relies on the future the Training Institute of the Reiss profile, the stations power GmbH. With the Reiss profile succeeds in trainers, to stand out from the crowd, because so far only 352 trainer in Germany are able to insert the Reiss profile. Through the training to the Reiss Profiles are master trainers and coaches able to drive your business forward and to get their piece of the pie. The areas of use of the tool are diverse: in the areas of training, coaching, team development and personal advice is excellent support for quickly viable and sustainable results.

At the same time, the education Institute focuses on quality: it carries the seal of approval of the Forum value orientation in the training e.V. (quality, transparency, integrity), and continues through a comprehensive education on the chart in the interest of the customer and the customer. As a latest approach to personality and motivation research based on comprehensive scientific studies of the American psychologist Professor Steven Reiss Reiss profiles. The Reiss profile differs in the walkability of the results of many other offers. Show previous applications in business, sports and coaching: people who identify their individual drives and use, their performance can fully unfold and be therefore permanently powerful. Information on the professional use of the Reiss profiles in Hall 5.2 on the joint stand of the BDVT (stand U. 10) the CEO of Act power Marion ZUPANCIC Anton and Stephan Gingter. You also see applications and training. Marion ZUPANCIC Anton

Publicity Expert

Positions such as energy trader or large project leader in power plant construction have in the Rule about a significantly higher bonus – partly also higher than that of the first level. An ambivalent image shows the dependency of the variable part of income. In about half of the respondents, either the company or sector result (34 percent) or the personal target agreement (17 percent) is base. A look at the perks says that is customary in energy as well as in the chemical industry a company car on board and management level. This applies to at least about 80 percent of the area and division lines as well. Also on the team management, the company vehicle is common. Here two-thirds of the respondents specify to use an own company car.

In addition to the company cars, retirement is still the most common ancillary. Over 90 per cent of the respondents in their companies benefit from an appropriate model. “Striking is that at about two-thirds of participants in addition to pensions no more ancillary to the application. The “basic” pension in other cases combined with stock options or the possibility to take advantage of a break in the form of a sabbatical”, explains Claus-Peter bar field, Managing Director of bar field & Partner GmbH. Since its founding in 1981, the Mulheim-based business and management advice bar field & Partner GmbH focuses their advisory activities on the recruitment of senior executives of first and second level. In addition the support of businesses in the occupation of supervisory and advisory functions. In the context of mergers & acquisitions activity bar field & partner gives medium-sized companies and Group investments.

Increase Work Opportunity: Weekend Jobs!

Are you looking for a part time job or a second job? Is you schedule filled with choir of during the week? Read further and find out yet another great opportunity for you. Weekend jobs are doing great lately, as they’re considered a nice employment opportunity for different kinds of people. Whether you’re a mother who needs to take care of the little ones during the week, or a student who needs some extra money, weekend jobs can be a very efficient solution to a very nasty problem. It can be a second job too, who said you have to rest and watch TV on Saturday afternoon? A weekend job could’nt thus easily provide a second income. In a way, it’s like working at a part time job, except you only work when you have less to do! As any traditional job, depending on your current status and field of expertise, they come in different sizes and shapes.

On many websites or newspapers you’ll see ads specifically oriented toward college students or recent degree, perhaps looking forward to pay back those student loans. The most common weekend jobs are usually related to: retail or shopping center: they sure need some extra hands on the weekends! Waiter or waitress: perhaps the most common job for students of all ages tutor: again, why don’t you give private lessons? There are a lot of fellow students out there who could use some help! Health care: hospitals don’t shut down on weekends, and they’re always looking for nurses housekeeping: some people don’t have time to clean the house during the week and are too tired to do it on the weekend these are just a few ideas, I’m sure you won’t find any difficulty in finding a job in this area. Another booming field is e-work, you can work online during the weekends and still be around your loved ones while making a reasonable amount of money. If you’re a student I’m sure you can put your education on the market pronto, writing short essays or articles which can be sold easily. Even if you are not familiar with the common office software or you do not have a higher education, look out for data entry jobs. Word on the street is that they can be boring, but they sure make the extra buck at the end! Michael Smith is author of weekend job ideas.For more information about babysitting jobs in my area, weekend jobs in nigeria visit

Europe Lichtenbroicher

The seminar lasts for eight hours by default every two days. But also the possibility of a split on four evenings for four hours of seminar is taking into account the particular conditions in schools. The seminar is offered in the form of a computer-assisted presentation, supplemented by discussions and practical exercises with the seminar participants. Excerpt from the offered subject profile: development of knowledge networks, intelligent use of all sensory channels, brainstorming, motivation for learning increase, pattern recognition training to improve intelligence, fundamentals and applications of NLP, self reflection as the key to success, strengthening of self-consciousness and v. m. special feature of this newly designed seminar is a deliberately interdisciplinary orientation, which from the fields of m. knowledge psychology, brain research, education, motivation tips, & e.. “Also the lecturer, Mr Bohme, places particular importance to choose a deliberately simple language, so that the seminar of Psychology & Motivationscoaching” can be visited without any special knowledge.

The only requirement to participate is an open and unbiased interest and willingness to the active thinking. The consultancy Bohme offers a cooperation schools, under which this innovative seminar to a fee reduced by 50% compared to the standard price can be booked. Central idea of this announced win-win cooperation is the profit to participate in interested schools, so that new funding for schools are generated, then independently may use it for necessary and meaningful procurement in the education sector. Interested schools please contact by E-Mail to the seminar provider, Mr DV-kfm & computer lecturer & psychological consultants (SGD-Dipl.) & author, Aribert Bohme. Also special rates for individuals and small businesses are available on written request. The Advisory Office send you detailed and free information on the substantive and organizational design like email. DV-kfm & computer lecturer & Psych. Consultant (SGD-Dipl.) Aribert Bohme counseling, tutoring, MOTIVATION TRAINING member in the WHO IS WHO – Germany & Europe Lichtenbroicher route 103, 40472 Dusseldorf E-Mail: Internet: and voice mail: 03212-1048942 fax: 03212-1048942 Tel.: 0211 / 479 11 91