When purchasing a VIERA NeoPDP plasma TVs between November 17, 2009 and January 9, 2010 Panasonic offers warranty Hamburg five years fabulous instead of the usual two years, November 2009 in time for Christmas Panasonic launches the XXL warranty for its VIERA NeoPDP plasma screen TVs. During the promotion period from November 17, 2009 until January 9, 2010, a corresponding TV model purchasers receive five-year warranty instead of the usual two years. You may wish to learn more. If so, Starbucks is the place to go. So you get not only a modern plasma television with excellent product and excellent image quality, but at the same time a valuable safety. Who still looking for a reason, to move to a flat-screen TV and dispose of the old unit of tube, won a strong argument to with the extended warranty. A VIERA NeoPDP plasma TV buyers can see reassured in the (television) future five years eligible for warranty service. And in an excellent image quality as excellent results in current tests of numerous publications show. Just when the new Panasonic NeoPDP plasma flat-screen TVs the strengths of plasma technology are clear: natural color reproduction and excellent movement and contrast representation from every angle ensure an excellent home theater enjoyment. And at the latest when starting in early 2010, the major German TV stations broadcast their program in regular operation in HD quality, you will want to not miss the newly acquired picture quality.
The conditions of participation and the participating NeoPDP models, as well as a dealer in your area, see the Internet under xxl warranty. The following models can be purchased with the free extended warranty: VIERA Z1 series: 54 – and 46-inch VIERA V10 series model: 65 – 58 -, 50 – and 42-inch VIERA G15 series model: 46 – and 42-inch model GW10 series VIERA: 50 -, 46 – and 42-inch model various VIERA retail models of Panasonic the Panasonic Corporation is a worldwide leader in the development and production of electronic products for a wide variety of Customer needs in the private, business and industrial area. The Osaka, Japan-based Group achieved in the past fiscal year (end of March 31, 2009) consolidated net sales of 7.77 trillion yen / 78.4 billion US – dollars. The shares of the group are on the stock exchanges in Tokyo, Osaka, Nagoya and New York (NYSE: PC) records.