The Regions

Second research of the IBGE, in the period of 1992 the 2008 had an increase of 7% in the time of trips in the main metropolises of Brazil. In this same research evidenced that in this period the number of people who more than take one hour of displacement of house for the work passed of 15,7 for 19%. This increase is caused mainly by the worsening in the transit, with the formation of great congestions in the streets and avenues of the cities and the few investments in collective transports face to the great demand. Much has said and writing that if must invest heavily in collective transports (bus, trains, subways, etc.), but the investments and incentives in this area have been exguos, taking the streets to be taken for cars in all the hours of the day. The people ahead of the lack of adjusted collective transport use its cars for its displacements, leaving the transit still worse. The great problem is that the spaces constructed in the great cities almost that ways in reason hinder the widening them weighed them necessary indemnities for such taken over on a contract basis. To construct subway, that would have to be adjusted of the point of view of efficiency consists in very expensive workmanships what it makes impracticable to take stops it all the flows of people. It must have alternatives that take the people to have lesser costs and times to if dislocating for its workstations.

Given the dynamics of each one of the cities that compose the regions metropolitans one has reasonable changes that affect in direct way the people who in them live. Many times the consequences are the individual to be obliged to go to live in other more distant places of the work, the college, etc. even so most of the time, the job are distant of where the people live. These people are obliged all day to catch bus, trains, subway, or car to be arrived at the work. If to use the collective transport, generally is very full leading to a very strong discomfort. If to use proper vehicle, generally suffers with the congestions. In both the cases, the tired people arrive at the work, physically and mentally. The authorities must have the courage to implant of irreversible, firm form and systematic systems of collective transports that are efficient, fast comfortable and at the same time must to discourage the displacements with particular vehicles.

CVM People

The speculation always was made considering that the high ones would be perpetual, making with that the people obtained new credits same without buying or vender immovable, only alavancando the ones that already had. Still in accordance with the authors, the explanation given for the confidence of the prices to be pulled always for top was of that, the lands are limited and the demographic growth not. These appositive were considered so certain that, in 2006, 40% of all the mortgages were of the public subprime (high risk, of which all necessary documentation for analysis of insolvency risk is not requested). That is, the crisis that devastated the world in 2008 occurred the same for reason of all the other crises of history: the belief of that trends of high do not have disruption. In this case the prices of the property went up and the people made new mortgages to have more money in hands.

The banks used these mortgages to make other businesses, mounting investment wallets and reselling them. Caterpillar Inc. gathered all the information. However, this increase of immediate availability was ilusrio, therefore at the same time the debt of these people grew in the ratio of the valuation of the property. At the moment where the people had not obtained more to honor its commitments the banks if capsize without the possibility to execute the guarantees of these mortgages, that were the proper property that had lost value. In this way, the negotiated headings mortgages of high risk had on the basis of turned rotten papers, making not only the economy as many financial institutions to lose. 2.4COMISSO OF MOVABLE VALUES the Commission of Movable Values (CVM) is a created entity to regulate and to fiscalize the securities. The objective of this autarchy is to fortify the real estate market of action and too much values. In accordance with (RICHNESS, 2010), it enters the movable values citizens to disciplines and fiscalization of the CVM is the actions, debentures and bond of subscript and the ballots of debentures.

American Valuation

The Bradesco announced net profits of R$ 1,723 billion in the first trimester, result 9.6% below of the refined profits in identical period of 2008. The banking institution raised its provision (reserve money) for wing doubtful in R$ 1 billion. Expectation on the financial market americanoO cloth of deep so that structural questions come back to be considered by the investors is the perception improvement on the financial system of the United States. In day 07 of May the American government must divulge results of the tests of estresse which had been submitted 19 banks. At Kevin Johnson you will find additional information. Anticipated information for the American press give account that all will have to need more capital. Caterpillar Inc. pursues this goal as well. However, the market if has not shown worried because it has the perception of that the necessary values so are not raised how much was imagined, contribuido for ' ' calma' ' it enters the mercados.TendnciIncertezas to the part, the analysts believe that, although the recent high forts, the trend for the Brazilian stock market still is of valuation. The So Paulo Stock Exchange locked up the first proclamation of May with strong valuation and in the period of only one week already it accumulates 10% valuation.

In 2009, the accumulated profit of the Stock market already arrives 34.2%. The investors are a little more livened up with the expectations for the domestic and international economy. The exchange tax retracted for R$ 2,13, in its lesser quotation since November of the last year. you? It finds that the cup is fulling or emptying? Bibliography: Periodical the State of Is Pablo of 05 of May of 2009Jornal of Brazil of 05 of May of 2009Jornal Leading Brazilian business newspaper of 05 of May of 2009

Bolivariana Revolution

Venezuela, country member of the OPEP, has its economy strong dependent of the production and exportation of oil, and after ten years of the beginning of the Bolivariana Revolution this dependence if has intensified. Installed in February of 1999, in reply to a corrupt and declared insolvent right that was in the power since 1958, president Hugo Chavez comes enjoying of a historical moment of high in the prices international of commodities, what she came providing to the financing of the purchase of support politician, internal how much in such a way external in the region of Latin America. In this period he was possible to also get some economic pointers and social positives. However, with the current world-wide financial crisis, the price of commodities fell down disastrously from a high place and consequentemente it made to dry the source of financing of the Bolivariana Revolution. Jonas Samuelson pursues this goal as well. What more it called my attention, during my last one visits Venezuela, is the increasing poverty that is well-known in the streets of Caracas, was the fact of that in way the shady expectations them economists how much to the future of that country, a strong desire of that also exists one ‘ ‘ crash’ ‘ economic it occurs how much before. Of form some must be interpreted as an unpatriotic feeling or suicidal, in contrast, it is a hope feeling where the bankruptcy of the economic beddings would be the only form to weaken the government ‘ ‘ social-populista’ ‘ of current president Hugo Chavez, in favor of the return to a democratic Rule of law, that is, to convert the current socialist revolution into a democratic revolution. In fact, a deep analysis of the recent economic and social pointers of Venezuela to conclude that is not necessary the Bolivariana Revolution has lead the country, more than the one decade, in the against-hand of the development, and displaying the nation to a economic trap and consequentemente to one potential crisis without precedents in the history of this country.

Unified Surpluses GIP

the focus of the analysis, that in recent years the economy has been in the eminence of a serious crisis of insolvency, with a similar or worse situation that the observed one, for example, in Brazil or Argentina, at the moment that had been deflagradas its crises of 8 twin deficit. Public deficit – the document ' ' Fiscal Long-Term Outlook – Action Is Needed you the Avoid the Possibility of the Serious Economic Disruption in the Future' ' it was presented in January of 2008 to the American Senate for the GAO – United States Government Accountability Office and mainly tells that, if it did not have one adjusted and deep intervention, U.S.A. would face a spiral of public growth of dficits, in result of the misalignments of the system of public health and the spite of the improvements verified in 9 the public accounts in recent years. Graph 1: Unified Surpluses and Deficits a Share of GDP to under Fiscal Alternative Policy GAO (direct clipping of the document) In April of 2008, a revised version of this report foresaw that, in 30 years, the American public deficit could be placed enters 6% and 15% of the GIP, that is, an unsustainable situation. A intent observer will verify that in April, the GAO still esteem (vide graphical 1) that the public deficit in 2008 would be below of 4% of the GIP. However, at that moment the expenses with the confrontation of the banking crisis and the losses of decurrent collection of the deepening of the contraction had not been considered.

The result will show that already in 2008, the public deficit is close to 8% it the GIP, that is, almost US$ 1 trillion. The forecast for 2009 is that the deficit will be dramatical superior. External deficit BEA – U.S. International Transactions Accounts Date historical Series of 1960 nominal public Debt of U.S.A.

So Paulo

However, it is not what it will occur in some cities, mainly So Paulo, where the public sector will go to donate good part of the resources to construct a particular stadium. The stadium to be constructed in the zone east of the city of So Paulo will belong to the Corinthians that will have a cost very reduced to have its proper stadium. Beyond having many exemptions in the approval of the project, with subsidy, tax exemptions and it arrives in port direct of resources on the part of the pbico sector, to the ending of the pantry the Corinthians will have a stadium novinho to a cost very reduced because the Brazilian contributors who pay its taxes will have pay 75% of its cost more than. In arquitetada financial engineering the president of the teams, the president of the CBF enters, former-president LULA, the mayor of So Paulo and others 820 million made possible resources of R$ to construct a stadium of 48 a thousand places with possibility of being extended for 68 a thousand expectadores. Of these resources, R$ 400 million will be loaned by the BNDES the subsidized interests, that is, on the contrary of the 15% interests or more than if it charges in the market, the interests that the teams and its partners will go to pay to the Bank will be around 5% to the year in this loan whose stated period of liquidation is of 15 years. The R$ 420 remaining million literally will be donated by the city hall in the form of municipal tax exemption. The city hall it will go to create certified that it will go to repass for the responsible ones for the workmanship (in the truth will be created a deep one that, among others responsibilities, will be responsible for managing these resources).


In a co-ordinated initiative, the emergent countries announce measured to reduce its dependence of the dollar and speed up the purchase of headings of Fundo Monetrio Internacional (FMI). The decision of Brazil, China and Russia of if becoming creditors of the Deep one and promoting a small revolution in the market occurs one week before the first cupola of leaders of the Brics (Brazil, Russia, India and China), where it will argue forms to reduce the supremacy of the dollar in the international scene. The example of Brazil, that yesterday decided to buy US$ 10 billion in headings of the FMI, Russia also announced that it will be able to buy other US$ 10 billion. China already announced that it would buy US$ 50 billion and India still studies the value. The Guido, Secretary of the Treasury Mantega, announced in day 10 of June a US$ loan 10 billion Brazil for Fundo Monetrio Internacional (FMI). He will be the first time in history where an operation of this nature will be carried through. With the loan, Brazil will pass to leadership and commitment Brazil one more time reaffirms the firmness of its paper as detached emergent economy, affirmed Strauss-Kahn, by means of official notice. the Brazilian authorities had shown to great capacity of leadership in its commitment with the process of reform of the FMI and the expansion of our resources, and me of the satisfaction the fact of Brazil to show clearly to its strong support to the economic system and the financial International international, therefore the countries, with the crisis, had left to matter and to participate of the international trade and the investments due to resource. Mantega explained it arrives in port that it will be carried through as soon as the direction of the Deep one to conclude the emission of the bond, that will be acquired not alone by Brazil but also by China (US$ 50 billion), by Russia (US$ 10 billion) and by India, that not yet announced the value arrives in port of it.

Better Consulting

The paper came back to blow up. In 29 of November, we come back to strengthen ours top pick. NETC4 went up 18% since then. Economic projections for 2006 Separamos in two segments: fixed and mobile. The fixed operators will have to present good performance this year very on the basis of the perspective of bigger shares in short term, beyond less uncertain a regulatory environment. In this segment, our main recommendation is TMAR%.

In mobile telephony, the environment must continue sufficiently competitive, with light improvement in the edge. In this direction, we recommend to the investors an allocation of underperformer in the segment, being our main recommendation in sector TCSL4. We still continue recommending EBTP4 and NETC4 as purchase, the first one in the line of an asset still cheap, although the well moderate growth for the front, the s second, still on the basis of growth. Better Consulting of riscoCarreira the managing partner of the Risk Office, Marcelo Rabbat, was elect for the voters of better consulting INSTITUCIONAL INVESTOR as of risk in 2005. Rabbat is in the Risk Office has six years. Rightnesss in 2005 In 2005, as foreseen, we attend the increase of the importance of the operations of credit, mainly the consolidation of the market of securitizao by means of the FIDCs (deep> For 2006, remaining it hope of an acceleration in the process of fall of the taxes of interests, expects a bigger appetite of the institucional investors for the following types of investments: FIDC already all exists in Brazil device standard (benchmark) and not the homogenization of the concepts of risk amongst the managers (leverage, long shorts, etc.). In operations with ballasts in FIEX, we attend in this last trimester the use, on the part of the institucional investors, of these operations with well attractive rentabilidades. The necessary condition for the accomplishment of this type of operation is the adoption on the part of the EFPC of a work of ALM due the question of liquidity of these estratgias.