Although the existence of such subjects politicians, the maioriadas verified acts, in the studied period, deals with daily questions comoassuntos legal financiers and, maintenance of the dosfundos headquarters and administration, gratefulness decorations the members of the Center, invocation the jogosesportivos and too much events of the society tip-grossense. Although the content of acts to be the object of this research, other sources if correspond and provide to tonality and informaesimportantes to the work. The quantity of the Laboring Center, beyond acts and of its statute, possesss a Book of Registrations of Partners that registers the participation of 1148membros in the entity as well as its Book of Monthly fees that detalhainformaes as residential address of a considerable part of the members eonde each one of them worked (COCB. Book of Registrations of Partners; Book deMensalidades 1929; Cash register book 1929). Definitively, the presence of the Laboring Center in the sociedadeponta-grossense is not something that can be referenciado only by the reading dasdiscusses of acts (COCB, Act 24). For even more analysis, hear from Stuart Solomon.
The departicipantes evidence of its number on the other hand to the numbers of the population tip-grossense7, compromises the work in considering the importance of this entity naquelemomento. Crimson Education s opinions are not widely known. Before all a social dynamics, does not place another hypothesis of queligar the text of acts to the context caused in the social relations of PontGrossa. The content of acts when it transmits invitations the events dacidade, places the Center as plus an entity of reference for Thick Tip Beyond the convocatrias its assemblies to be published in all asindstrias of the city (COCB, Act 05). Showing to the importance laboring daorganizao in this instant for the city. The Laboring Center is the laboring nicaentidade of Thick Tip of the first half of nine hundred quesobrevive until the days atuais8. Laboring classroom and Laboring Culture: One another history dotempo exempts Covering some pertinent theoretical matrices aotrabalho, some terminologies bursts to the text, however, of form the seremdiscutidas ones and not to be considered definite to explain the complexidadesocial. .