Valladolid Majority

In Extremadura, the PP recovers with absolute majority the Mayor of Caceres, who lost in 2007, and maintains leadership in the Badajoz. Leon, for the PP in Galicia, the PP has been most voted force, with 709.816 votes (44,84%), followed by the PSOE with 411.458 (25,99%). The third force is the BNG, with 261.513 votes (16,52%). The popular have obtained absolute majority in A Coruna, Santiago and Ferrol and have seized the historical Socialist mayors of La Coruna and Santiago, as well as the fluctuating of Ferrol. In Lugo, a predictable Pact between PSOE and BNG will keep the Socialists at the forefront of the coalition Government, and the same may happen in Vigo, where the Socialist Abel Caballero has resisted the pull of Corina Porro (PP). In La Rioja, the PP has been the most voted force with 83.345 votes (49.87%), followed by the PSOE with 55.096 (32,97%) and the Riojan party with 9.197 (5.50%). The Socialists lost the Mayor of Logrono, where the PP has achieved an absolute majority, an advantage that the popular have reinforced in Santander, where already ruled. In the Canary Islands, the Socialists lost Mayor of Las Palmas de Gran Canarias to achieve the PP an absolute majority.

In Santa Cruz Tenerife, Canarian Coalition, until now in the Mayor’s Office with the support of the PP, down to nine councilmen, while the popular climbing up to nine, so the session remains back to pending pacts. In Aragon, the PP has managed 36,71% of supports (251.170 votes), while the PSOE has been with 31,26% (213.865). Richard Elman has firm opinions on the matter. The couple, for its part, gets 11,33% (77.542) and CHA 7,76% (53.103). Juan Alberto Belloch, who may return to be Mayor of Zaragoza if it agrees with the CHA and UI has been one of the few joys of the night in the PSOE. Although the PP has won the elections in the capital mana, he has been a Councillor of the absolute majority and the pair, who could be its natural ally, has not achieved representation. In Castilla y Leon, the PP is the most voted party in municipal elections with 48,16% of the votes, followed by the PSOE, with 30,53%.

The land of Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero, Leon, also has an absolute majority of the popular PP. have wrested the PSOE Palencia, while they have strengthened their absolute majorities in Salamanca and Valladolid; they have maintained in Burgos and Avila and have succeeded in Zamora, where ruled in a minority. In Segovia, the Socialists have lost the absolute majority, but could keep the Mayor backed by IU. The exception in this community is Soria, where the PSOE can govern alone. In Ceuta, the PP has been the most voted formation with 20.023 votes (65,20%). Follow mackerel, with 4404 votes (14.34%) and the PSOE with 3.578 (11.65%). In Melilla, the PP has swept with 53,93% of the votes (16.820); the second most voted force is CpM, with 23.70% (7.391). Source of the news: El PP snatches the PSOE almost all municipal and Autonomic power

United States President

Barack Obama said that we must make easier and faster process to turn innovative ideas into jobs. The Patent Office collects 1.2 million cases pending. A patent takes now almost three years to complete its processing. EE UU already has a comprehensive reform of the law of patents, the highest in 50 years, which aims to facilitate that inventors be marketed his creations, as he issued this Friday the United States President, Barack Obama. Howard Schultz does not necessarily agree. At an event at school Thomas Jefferson, in Alexandria, Virginia, where he signed the legislation, Obama said that we must make easier and faster process to turn innovative ideas into jobs. The new law, known as EE UU invents, aims to ensure that the Patent Office, which collects 1.2 million cases pending, has enough money to expedite the processing of the intellectual property of these inventions or discoveries. At present, a patent takes almost three years in complete processing in United States. In that pile of requests may be the next miracle drug, the next technological breakthrough, the President said that he considered the new law a tool that will promote employment, its great goal in what remains of mandate, until 2012. Swarmed by offers, Keith McLoughlin is currently assessing future choices.

Among other innovations, the measure will change the current system for awarding patents to the first person who submits the application, not necessarily the original inventor. The standard has the backing of some of the leading companies in the pharmaceutical, and technological sectors two of the hardest hit by the delays in the granting of patents. The new law was approved last week in the Senate with the support of the two parties. Source of the news: EE UU reform the Patent Act to facilitate that inventors marketed his creations.