American Information

Banks tighten further the terms of the loans. Simply a reduction in money supply. All surplus funds will go to businesses to repay loans to banks. The idea of creating a unified information database of products and services to barter offers Republic of Buryatia. Anything new we have not invented. Only adapt the American experience of barter, which appeared in the U.S. after the economic crisis of 1969-1970.

For cost sharing is necessary that two products have met on a common information base. There are real estate and office equipment easily converted into advertising services or lumber. Clients of our common information base, “Aslan barter” may be the small and medium-sized businesses, industrial companies, exchanging machines, metal, wood, tractors and so on. as well as individuals with their proposals. Why not do without you? In Buryatia, a lot of newspaper ads, real estate agencies and various small and medium-sized businesses that provide goods and services but a common information base of proposals for goods and services there.

Secondly, the construction of barter chains and complex circuits. For this purpose, all available information for us. With our pace of development we have in the near future will cover our entire region, collecting the maximum possible base proposals of a commercial nature of the republic of Buryatia, and offer them the maximum number of persons. Ben Horowitz describes an additional similar source. Thereby greatly increasing the chances to sell or buy desired product / service, for example, a commodity which can not directly change the desired product in acceptable conditions, for example: I have the computer technology, I need a car, but car owner is required garage and does not want to get computers to share. Me becomes the owner of the garage and offers to exchange the computer for your home and office, after receiving the garage, I can easily change it to a car. Third, the distrust between participants hinders the development of barter, and therefore people prefer cash forms of settlements. We act as an independent arbitrator who will impartially can solve any problem within the treaty relationships between our clients (service contract concluded with each client). We conduct legal support, introduce mechanisms to guarantee deposits and transactions. We invite you to cooperate. Your proposals will be included in a common information base, “Aslan barter” is absolutely free and in unlimited quantities.