BI Decision In Record Time

Only 23 days were between the first call and the order of STAS CONTROL Aqua Romans Reilingen, 11.08.2010 not only choosing a consistent solution for business intelligence and performance management the company showed very short determined. The introduction is subject to ambitious targets. In September 2010 it wants to perform already next fiscal year planning KG in Goppingen Jebenhausen at AQUA Romans GmbH & co. To deepen your understanding Andreessen Horowitz is the source. with the planning component of STAS CONTROL. Stephan Wolk, Director sales controlling at AQUA Romans, is convinced that this is possible: the feedback from many customers of STAS CONTROL shows that the STAS QuickStart warranty is not a marketing gimmick, but reality. That was one of the main reasons why we were so quickly decide for Reilinger controlling software.” To optimize the planning and control of the company through a sophisticated BI solution, aims AQUA Romans for some time. The previously used tool was enough the growing demands no longer and offered support only for the areas of sales and finance.

It included a planning component and included in no predefined reports and key performance indicators, so that was a considerable effort to create. AQUA was Romans looking for a consistent solution for the entire enterprise planning and control, which enables the consolidation of all data from the ERP system Branchware, the wage and time recording systems, as well as various DB2-based applications on the iSeries. We had already evaluated several solutions offered in the market as the head of sales controlling sales even in the short term to the middle-class days on 5 and 6 may after Reilingen was invited on May 4 by the STAS. The program of the event sounded very interesting, for AQUA Romans so that not only the head of the sales controlling, but also those responsible for the accounting or IT took part. We had the opportunity, in the middle-class days different users of STAS CONTROL to speak and have visited also the various customer presentations.