How to choose the heating equipment? There are several important criteria for selection of boiler equipment, which you should pay special attention to:-power boiler, fuel type,-if you need the advantage of two-stage boilers, if you need a heating system "DHW priority", and much more – what should be the size of the chimney. So, we turn to the power … to determine the boiler output is still at the planning stage at home. On the power boiler, at least, depends on the desired diameter of the chimney, etc. Power is calculated like this: 10 m2 with ceiling height of 2.5 m requires 1 kW of power boiler. That is, a house of 300 m2 is needed boiler capacity of not less than 30 kW.
On heating tap water takes about 25% of its capacity. There are boilers that can run on multiple fuels. You can purchase a combination boilers (eg, boilers, Viessmann), are able to "digest" the electricity and gas and liquid fuels, and firewood. Price combined boilers are often higher than the total value of two, three or even four separate boilers. Complete boiler requires about 15% of the heating season, and 85% of the time it is unnecessary. Therefore more economical to use pot with two power levels. The main advantages of two-stage boiler (Viessmann) are: to increase the life of a gas boiler (by reducing the frequency of ON / OFF burner) for about 70% work on Stage 1 with reduced power and reduced the number of on / off burner saves fuel, and, consequently, the money, less smoke gas emissions and fewer pollutants emitted into the atmosphere.
Finally, we turn to the question … What is the heating system "DHW priority"? In the phrase is said that these systems have a hot priority water (DHW) on heating. In other words, the heating circuit is turned off when you open the hot water tap. Approximate internal dimensions of the chimney the following respectively: Power, Section, mm, Min boiler kW; height, m: 16 6 32 200×200 200×200 200×200 10 45 12