Now comes the Internet, more and more visitors. In Western countries, the number of people visiting the Internet regularly, and has long been firmly passed for half of the total population. But in parallel with the growing number and sites that are not in order to provide necessary and useful information to internet users live, and a few other purposes. Who creates these sites and what are they? These sites are made and optimizers 'Moneymaker', ie, those who wish to make the Internet a relatively simple way. Today there is no shortage of information about creating sites, and almost anyone, even beginners can easily learn how to create sites of their own. Source: Ben Horowitz. This often leads to the temptation to immediately try to apply their skills in practice to start making on the Internet. Such a purpose is especially attractive because today, increase the market for Internet services, advertising, website promotion services, etc., there are many ways to generate additional revenue for website owners. For instance, hanging on his website contextual advertising site owner can get a good income from the advertisement, while showing visitors who came to read some materials they need at the same time and several commercial deals, which are close on the issues of interest. This is normal and acceptable model – after initially are predlzheny advertisers and search engines was to focus on owners of existing sites that are visited and have their own interested audience, and generating revenue for them would only be an additional application to the main purpose of this site.