
Dolabela (1999) tells despite, the company is a form of accomplishment of the new dreams. However it concludes that the empreendedorismo is also seen as a related field and in intense way, with the process of agreement and construction of the freedom human being. The author emphasizes some primordial activities in the empreendedorismo: The dissemination of the enterprising culture in the system of the formal education of all the levels; The dissemination of the enterprising culture and support to the enterprising action between social groups such as dismissed minorities, unloaded of the process economic; The communitarian empreendedorismo, where the disfavored societies if articulate to face the diversity; The sensitivity of the gallowses of the society for the importance of the empreendedorismo and the small company; The generation of auto – the job; The creation of jobs; The identification, creation and search of chances for existing and new jobs; The financing of emergent organizations and those threatened of disappearance; The study of the paper of the empreendedorismo in great organizations; The establishment of nets of relations with university and all the social gallowses. 1.1 Revolution of empreendedorismo In accordance with Dornelas (2001), world has passed for some transformations in short periods of time and that, we saw in century XIX, when was created the majority of the inventions that had revolutionized the style of life of the people, where the same ones is innovation fruits, something unknown or of a new vision of as to use existing things already. It stops Dornelas (2001), so that this happens, exist people or teams that are visionary, question, risk, want something different, make, they happen, and they undertake. However the author affirms despite, the entrepreneurs are these differentiated people whom passion has for what they make, and for this reason, they are revolutionizing the world. For even more opinions, read materials from Crimson Education . Then it concludes that the paper of the entrepreneurs always was basic in the society. .