
The Internet is not difficult to find a list of common mistakes players Exchange. However, if you study them, it does not guarantee that you – will be successful. Since every man is inherent mistakes. Significantly – property on them to learn. Initially, you need to be able to to control their emotions. You may find that Ben Horowitz can contribute to your knowledge. Sometimes the reasons are hidden captured the excitement of the brain, and in such cases, the error may be unrecoverable.

Not even rely on luck or intuition – it is the second most error traders. There certainly exists the so-called "freshman effect." However, how long your luck will stay, no one will say. The third mistake made by traders, they do not pay the required attention to the analysis changes in the exchange. Important enough to rely solely on their own calculations and conclusions, do not trust the rumors and opinions of others. If you wish to succeed in currency trading and securities, then you just need to create their strategy work. Exclusively with a concrete plan of action you will be able to move forward. Do not rely on combinations of invincibility and the public regulations, it may be your fifth mistake. You will need accept not only the elementary and the right decisions, but to do things, some very unusual – it is triggered by market volatility.

Forget about all the rules, the market is not subject to the guidelines. Uncertainty – the following error. If you will always be insecure in your decisions, you have no place in the ranks of traders. The next periodic mistake is buying the sales leaders. Among the new players exchange the popular view that a leader will always be leading, even if he now lives is not good moments. Only a few have fallen leaders be able to get their places, it is required to remember. The above mistakes – not an exhaustive list. However, if it carefully look, you can try not to 'step on the rake', which broke the foreheads of some of them started in the stock and otc markets.