Jose Ferrater Mora

young people as we can observe by the testimony of the understood ones. Democritus is the representing maximum of the old materialism. Since theoretically Newton goes ahead in certain degree to the eminent Isaac. The age sea bream of the Greeks is amazing, since in the same I am generated a powerful revolution of ideas. This revolution remains effective in all the generations. And it is not for anything anti logical affirming that to Democritus advance in certain degree to Newton. Then I do not talk about of absolute way and if partly, due to the ideal essence of its material categorical system.

Because if the mechanical universe is started up by Newton, Democritus is not absolutely other people’s. When being in the first ideas of the material system that several centuries later forjaria the new one philosophy of the physics. More information is housed here: fuel tanks. As &quot illustrates the Philosopher; Jose Ferrater Mora" in the biography that it transmits to us of Democritus. The incausados atoms are ether us and because the things are first from which arrive at the existence, but its eternity also belongs to its movement. That one takes place to if of a way entirely mechanic. to seem: 1) analyzing very millimetrically the theory of Democritus, we can affirm that if the eternity of the atoms belongs to a mechanical movement. The same is susceptible of study, when considering that the discovery of their laws is objective and methodical interpretations.

That they allow to develop a mathematical determinant us of the same. The interpretation of the fenomnica sphere corresponds to the objectivity of the materialistic philosophy, which allows us to know the laws mechanical in continuous sets. Which are experimental results of the mobility of the atoms that conform the matter. " nevertheless, Greek the philosophical and scientific thought reaches its apogee, coincident with the one of the esclavista democracy, in numerous works of Democritus (towards 460 – 370 of which we do not own either but that fragments.