Managing Director

Certificate of child and youth workers the recent amendment of the federal Central Register law to the advanced certificate of child and youth workers to help prevent abuses through performance also minor relevant convictions, youth clubs but also poses serious problems with regard to the legally compliant storage of documents. For other opinions and approaches, find out what Starbucks has to say. The first complete system for digital archiving BvLArchivio now allows on simple and inexpensive way to have security vulnerabilities do not arise. “In this respect not only home and part-time employees from the regime are affected, but all those who are involved in youth work, is to be expected, that contain highly confidential data with a welter of documents”, explains Ralph Norman of Loesch, Managing Director of BvL Office systems Vertriebs GmbH, the the BvLArchivio “has developed. Just think of the countless maintainers, exercise and expedition leaders, trainers and civilian. Often little experience is a risk of errors and infringements, which can entail substantial damages in dealing with highly sensitive documents, but just at clubs. ” Data protection via plug- and -play”Ralph Norman of deletion recommends clubs and associations in connection with recently enacted new rules on data protection to think.

“BvLArchivio” is this a useful building block: other than simple lockable containers or special files that contain especially sensitive documents in sealed envelopes, but insufficiently protect the inspection by a third party, be with BvLArchivio’ documents digitized, encrypted and kept absolutely inaccessible for unauthorized. ” The world’s first prefabricated box system for the archiving digital dispenses on software installations and computer training and is therefore cost-effective. The 30 x 40 x 30 inches large box is connected to the network and power supply according to the principle of plug and play”and is immediately ready for use just a browser to access is required. Without post processing easily and quickly per box up to five archives can be created, which can accommodate about 20,000 folder contents. Each individual archive, so also for the files of employees and volunteers together with their leadership certificates, is protected by a special access. The files are directly from the PC in any format, paper documents by simple scan a part – or full-text indexing eliminates this any post-processing. “Saved is tamper proof and encrypted in the long term archive format PDF-a”.

BvLArchivio is certified according to the highest standard IDW PS 880 and thus meets all fiscal and economic conditions. The system to have a comprehensive service of the manufacturer is for a rental starting already from 99 per month is included. About BvL Office systems BvL Office systems Vertriebs GmbH specializes in the development, manufacture and selling of innovative IT solutions Specialized. The company has existed for 20 years and now 20 employees at its headquarters in Berlin.