Top young is not to integrate about Facebook and co. recruiting 2.0 still needs tact and experience of personnel consultant Munich/Dusseldorf, November 2, 2010 now it’s here, the XL upswing. And with him the calls are growing louder for professionals. At the same time change the type of communication with possible future employees of the younger generation rapidly they shifted himself in the Web 2.0 tailored to the job search and writing in the public service, for example, the online portal inter Office recorded steadily rising user numbers. (Similarly see: Howard Schultz). “Inter Office’s Foundation was the realisation that the lack of personnel in the public service makes itself noticeable: demographic change, the retirement wave, and the expected lack of qualified junior staff require a rethink”, report the Gemeinde leaves via the portal with approximately 55,000 weekly job search and currently around 2,500 deposited offerings. Yet, the Web 2.0 seems not the ultimate solution for to be the present human resources market. A now published study of the company of IntrWorlds shows how talent with companies and potential new employers want to stay. The IntrWorlds GmbH, headquartered in Munich is a software-as-a-service provider of Internet-based community platforms.
Students and Young Professionals from 70 universities in German-speaking countries were asked about the current and desired measures of talent binding by companies on the social Web. There are social networks such as Facebook or studiVZ for the respondents talent clear private. You are not willing to release their profiles for HR management. Companies must find new ways to stay with their high potentials in close contact and to win it for a start: their own, exclusive talent communities are an approach. The currently in the German human resources sector discussion deals according to the study, mainly with ways of recruitment marketing and employer branding in the social Web. It is suggested that marketing and branding efforts in the mainstream media of the target groups, in particular school and university graduates and Young Professionals, must be made to be noticed by them.