In 2003 he had about 4,000 hectares cultivated, today exceeds the 400,000. According to the Ministry of agriculture, livestock and fisheries, soy spread throughout the country, replacing lands that were dedicated to livestock, dairy and other crops. Many Argentines have been in Uruguayan land an investment opportunity, and it is for this reason, such which mentioned them for almost a month in increase Argentine fields in Uruguay, have increased in the last time the number of fields in the hands of Argentines. Although the surge of investment from Argentina has generated benefits in the Uruguayan field, contributing to the modernization of fresh for the sector, capital and technologies your lobster type behavior, represents a threat to the future of the Uruguayan countryside. The main concern comes by the side of the soybean, since currently short leases are made and the companies want to get the highest returns in the shortest time, and that wears the Earth. In that regard, since the Ministry of livestock, agriculture, and fisheries of Uruguay It was announced that it will force producers to explain their methodologies and to rotate crops, since this is the best way of soil conservation.In Uruguay, the concern that exists by the Government increased from the wave of Argentine producers who came to Uruguay to plant soy, escaping the withholding his Government applied. The Acting Minister of livestock, agriculture, and fisheries of Uruguay, Andres Berterreche, said the Uruguayan daily El Espectador: the State is the guarantor of the natural resources which, although they may be in usufruct, in essence are social property, because the soil resources of the country, regardless of the ground to have an owner by cadastre.It is likely that greater control by the Uruguayan Government brake a little boom soybean in Uruguay, or limit unless the profitability that can be obtained (because it will be closely controlled planting methods used). .