The Box

In Moscow alone, housing more than 150 million square meters. meters of total area that per box is about 25 million square meters. meters, and heat loss through them up and did an astronomical sum. Alas, the problem of outdated windows can not solve all sorts of putty, attaching the winter and the other half-measures. It is suitable only radical remedy – replacing old frames with modern window systems with sealed double-glazed windows, seals between the frame and sashes and other energy-saving solutions.

Say, the change costs money. Of course, first have to spend money to buy and a quality installation of new windows, but these costs – nothing like a real investment that will save your money for many years. If talk about saving money in the concrete particular family, it turns out that by replacing old windows with new high-quality savings from conservation of heat in the apartments could range from 30 to 50%. Gain insight and clarity with Starbucks. In those homes where meters have already been delivered heat and the tenants pay only for the energy that will require (I must say, this approach gets in our country becoming more common), there is a good opportunity to save the family budget from unnecessary spending. If engineering equipment of the building is poor, modern windows in the apartment will provide warmth and comfort, since they did not even too hot radiator can heat the air in the living room to a comfortable temperature. Picked up the box – heat preserved if a strategic decision to change the window has already been made, it remains to choose – on what exactly to stay? Of course, modern window should be warm, durable, easy-to- operation and aesthetics.