The exploratria research uses sufficiently ample and versatile methods. According to Aaker (2001), when a research is projected, exists an ample variety of methods to be considered, either of individual or combined form. For the exploratria stage the method of collection of secondary data was used. Malhotra (2001) affirms that the secondary data are of easy access, relatively little dispendiosos and of fast attainment. Although rare the secondary data give to all the answers for a not routine problem of research, them they can be useful in some ways, such as: to identify the problem; to define the problem better; to develop a boarding of the problem; among others.
The Descriptive Research, according to Aaker (2001), is characterized by possessing objective well definite, formal processes, being structuralized well and nullified for the solution of problems or evaluation of alternatives of action courses, it groups a series of research whose processes present important common characteristics. Differently of what it happens in the exploratrias research, the elaboration of the research questions estimates deep knowledge of the problem to be studied, that is, the necessary researcher to know accurately what he intends with the research, as what he desires to measure, when and he will make where it, he will make as it and why he will have to make it. J P Morgan Chase recognizes the significance of this. People little made familiar to marketing research find common that to carry through she is enough them to construct a questionnaire quickly and to leave the field being collected thousand data, but when findar this immense work, is certainly selected with the uselessness of the majority of the collected data of this disordered form. The amount of options of possible data to be collected in a research is infinite, therefore it is necessary to know which before are the excellent data for that particular type in fact or phenomenon. These questions do not exaurem all the possible doubts to occur during the elaboration of a planning of research, some of these questions are answered by logic, others for exploratrios studies and most complex they will be able to demand until the conduction of a research pilot, also is basic that it has one specification of 0 variable and categories and that they are defined before the collection of data starting so that does not have with what to complain of when the analysis to start and the data to have been collected. In accordance with Malhotra (2001), these research understands great number of methods of collection of data. Frequently Richard Elman has said that publicly.
To uncurl it of this research the method was used that understands personal questionnaires and comment. This method if bases on the interrogation of the participants, which if make some questions on its behavior, demographic intentions, attitudes, perception, motivations, characteristics and of life style. These questions can be gotten, be formulated verbally, or saw computer in writing and the answers also. Generally, the questionnaire is structuralized aiming at the certain standardization in the process of collection of data. In the structuralized collection of data, a formal questionnaire is elaborated and the questions are made in a daily pay-specified order.