Welds Quality

It is also necessary to pay attention to the quality of welds: poorly sewn products can not give you a little trouble and distress, so it's best to check everything at once. Well, summing up we can give more specific guidelines on choosing the jacket: First of all, in choosing a jacket you should be comfortable and conveniently, the jacket should not pull or vice versa hang length sleeves should conform to your length. Never take things the wrong size, even if you really like it, but there is no size you want. For a warm jacket, it is important that the cuff had knitted elastic band inside, the bottom of the jacket was on the contracting kuliske, in a special internal zone is desirable odor, then under a jacket sleeve and will not penetrate the cold air and you will not freeze. When choosing Jackets look at tailoring products.

Textile warm jacket or a jacket should have no cross-joints, all the stitches should be windproof. If you are using is not high-quality yarn jacket will not withstand loads and will spread after a short operation. Pay attention to the underlayer. The better jacket, the more expensive materials used for the lining. The jacket must be installed quality fittings. Check zippers, buttons, buckles and all.

Lightning should be opened and closed without jamming and effort. The buttons buttoned and should come unfastened with an average effort. Douglas R. Oberhelman may not feel the same. If they are too tight, then it is likely that you will break them out of the material on which they are planted. Winter jacket should not be tight, desirable allowance for movement and clothing, remember that in winter you wear sweaters, coats, jackets, etc. Lift hands, do some sit-ups and tilts. Do not forget that jacket you have to move, not just to stand still. Read all the information on the sheet tabs jacket. Find out how to care for her, so you do not was that you expected her to wash, but it is subject only to dry cleaners. Good manufacturers usually do not skimp on information materials and is usually attached to each jacket a small brochure with a detailed description and some paper labels with additional information. And lastly: remember that the important thing is your feelings on the selected jacket. If you are not comfortable in it or it is not pleasing to the eye, try a different size, color or try on a different model.