
What it is important for the head? The importance of the filtering of the subjects! – Which the subject? This simple question can take & ldquo; another one parte& rdquo; (fellow worker, customer, supplier) to be sufficiently desconfortvel in the relationship or with the person make that it or the proper company or institution which it represents. If it will be a public institution still superficially, the effect still can be devastador. But after all, why this happens? Generally, the person who asks: – & ldquo; Which assunto& rdquo;? duly she was instructed or trained to make the filtering of the subjects before taking the subject to the superior hierarchy. However, generally, she tries, for same it, to decide before arriving at the head. For the most part of the times the head nor is knowing that the employee customer/supplier/was there and would like to speak with it. In charge person made the filtering due and liberated the head for other subjects. Generally, subjects of bigger relevance. Bigger relevance for the head, does not stop who wanted to speak with it.

When duly qualified and enabled & ldquo; filtro& rdquo; (secretary-assessor-assistant.) he executes with perfection its work, that, beyond liberating the head for other responsibilities, considerably increases the satisfaction of the interlocutor with the given answers. To the end of the day, he is enough to leave in the table of the head a small spread sheet I contend the basic data of the received phone calls and the taken steps. The head will all have in hands the control of what she was decided WITHOUT its intervention and/or presence, demonstrating, in such a way, that the work is developed with security and rapidity for the growth of the company-institution. On the other hand, if & ldquo; filtro& rdquo; duly he will not be qualified and enabled, every day will be an additional problem head to decide it, until the day that it discovers that, he does not need filter.