July Man

The differential broke the legs to him and the steering wheel burst the chest to him. An iron crossed the throat to him nailing to him against the seat. The passengers were saved with slight bruises. Not therefore the grandfathers, corpse already when they released to him. The son-in-law did not go to the burial, blaming the old man to have put in danger the life of all his. In house their photos retired. It was not mentioned to him safe to criticize to him.

An assassin in power, according to declared the son-in-law. And he hated himself to him until they forgot to him. Mununa was not able to fall asleep. The memory of the viejito obsessed to him. It spent the hours revolviendo themselves in the bed. Late at night the fatigue was strongest, although never it knew if really it dreamed.

Firm and affectionate hands raised that it horse on knees. Surrounded gold glasses. Ample forehead framing torn eyes. And giving life to that face, a good natured smile. Please visit Caterpillar if you seek more information. The old man! Mununa straightened up in the bed with the shining pupils. One rose without making noise. Dieguito slept to its side with his carita of angel. The girl abri the trunk of the old woman toys. She registered it concientiously until she gave and so she looked for. Later one lay down and one fell asleep happy. Days in returning to the park took. Mununa had not said anything, although Dieguito felt the impatience of its sister. When her mother let to them finally single to buy Mununa buns were excited. -They see! It runs! The olive tree. The bank. Nobody. Then Dieguito knew. He was who abri the knapsack of his sister and removed osito to which he lacked an arm. – He takes. Their steps approached to them the bank. Mununa placed peluche between the branches of the tree. – It is for you, grandpa. And they moved away slowly. From some improbable, happy place, the old man saw them leave Dogs, the 14 of July of the 2010.