But, logically this repels in which the monthly amounts that are received are lower than with the Life Rent, which provides rents that can get to be until a 40% superiors to those of Inverse Hipoteca. In addition, with the Life Rent it will not either have to the future pay in the extraordinary special taxes of Community nor the receipt of the Tax of Real estate, and the buyer it will be forced to contract a Multiriesgo Insurance of the Continent of the house. As it can verify it is not so easy to decide which of these two products of liquification of the real estate patrimony more is adapted. In fact, it depends on the situation of each person. In spite of it, from Group Retirement we want to transmit all our experience and knowledge to him so that it is the preparation more on the matter. For this reason, we are going to continue differentiating each product.
The Life Rent it will be able to enjoy an excellent fiscal treatment, since the majors of 70 years will only have obligation to declare 8% of the total of Rents perceived annually. In addition, the operation is constituted with all the legal guarantees: Public Scripture before Notary in whom a Resolving Condition by non-payment of rents and inscription in the Registry of the Property is included. The resolving Condition is a guarantee in case the investor stops paying the monthly rents to him. Another one of the advantages of the Life Rent is that to formalize the operation not him it will suppose no additional cost, since all the expenses and taxes that are generated are in charge of the society purchaser. On the other hand, with Inverse Hipoteca it always maintains the ownership of the house, with the possibility of renting it.
Also it counts on important fiscal advantages, since, initially, the monthly Dispositions of the credit are not subject to the Tax of the Rent of the Physical People. It will not have either to pay any initial cost by the constitution of Hipoteca (these expenses are included in the debt), and will be able to arrange at any moment and until it becomes serious the operation before Notary of an independent advising that guarantees a correct hiring to him of the product according to demands Law 41/2007 of Inverse Mortgage. Independent of by what it is decided, he will be beneficial for you. As much with the Life Rent as with Inverse Hipoteca it will obtain a money that will be able to enjoy while still alive and with which will be able to cover needs that have until now not been able, without losing at no moment the use and enjoys his house, that is to say, while it continues living in his house all their life.