Energy-Saving Technologies

In accordance with a plan for transition to energy-saving technologies and the fight against global warming, all the usual incandescent bulbs will start to disappear from store shelves in Europe from September 1, 2009 Entered into force ban production of the most popular around the world incandescent lamps of 100 watts or more. The entire program of transition to energy-saving technologies in the industry's most popular lighting is designed to 2012. Each year, will be allowed to manufacture and sale of incandescent entire series of 25 watts. What is offered in return? Lighting will be entrusted to energy-saving technologies: fluorescent energy saving bulbs, linear fluorescent lamps, as well as percent. Direct savings is not only saving power but also the life energy saving bulbs. Although many experts believe that the economy is useful for the budget, but not for eye health and overall health of users (the presence of mercury vapor, and special handling of the radiation spectrum).

Indeed, fluorescent energy saving lamps use mercury. Very controversial debate on the effects of radiation fluorescent lamps to man is not over yet and are not unique. Some European scientists claim that the fluorescent light is not only dangerous but also harmful (according to some research findings – causes cancer). Office workers in Europe tend to believe that the light from fluorescent lamps cause depression. What is it – incandescent bulbs? A simple question and answer complex, but not much … From childhood, every citizen of our country not only saw the incandescent lamp, but studied the principle of the school. But some repeat. The principle of operation of incandescent lamps is based on the conversion of electrical energy, which passes through the spiral bulbs (tungsten filament), the light energy. Under an electric current is heated to glow with a temperature of 2600-3000 C. To increase the life and increase the brightness of the bulb is filled with an inert gas (argon, a mixture of nitrogen, krypton, etc.) or vice versa, leave spiral filament in a vacuum – metal spiral is longer.