" One sign of fraud is an indication of price. Outwardly, it looks quite logical – The greater the number of purchased products, the lower the price. But what this price! It is below market by about 20-50%. Did someone would sell for such a low price, without attempting first to implement it at a better normal market value? In the section "Payment" shall contain the different types of financial instruments, in particular, bcl in the form of the Seller. What is the bcl? This is a Bank Comfort Letter – confirmation letter from the bank. Fraudsters require a letter from the bank status of the Buyer with the seal of the bank. In practice, the bankers said: "In the bcl, as a rule, it is written that the company is a client of the bank in the market (for example, exports of oil) so many times, successfully credited by the bank, has a good reputation and so on. " Traders fraudsters use ignorance of all types of letters of credit, as traders and some bankers.
Con artists often operate on these terms to demonstrate his erudition in financial matters. The most frequently used terms such as "irrevocable (irrevocable), transferable (transferable), divisible (divisible), reserve (stand-by), ceded (assignable), which are repeated several times or presented several times with different types of credit and combinations of terms. What types of credits are found in the ads: – ffdlc – fully funded documentary letter of credit. (Completely filled documentary letter of credit). Such credit are not exists.