Steven Morrys a songwriter from Mainz to help calls in the realization of his debut album. If one does a journey a dream, a singer and his unusual way. Finding yourself, or at least his road is difficult and tedious. Some never succeed. Well so if you have people that one stand on this way to the side. Steven Morrys has found its way and looking for people who help him to go this way to realize his dream now using its Internet site (
His debut album. Morrys is singer, with body and soul but not only that, he writes songs, experienced processed in his lyrics and themes that move him. But the inner voice is louder, the desire not only to write the songs, but to carry the messages in the public is growing inexorably. But, how does one, to produce a CD album, without the necessary finances? Without a record contract? Without vitam-B? Without casting shows or other ways? How do you get the chance to be heard if they no CD has to offer? Homemade recordings are not sufficient, semi professional recordings will be judged as an “official” production and fall due to each grid. ERGO – we need a neatly produced disc. But how? This question turned Steven Morrys and came up with the right answer. “I must make it easy!” Steven Morrys is born as Stefan Martin in Mainz in 1968. Soon he discovered the music, mimicking former stars and dreams of becoming a singer, dancer, actor or comedian.
He sings in the choir, playing xylophone, later he dabbles on the guitar. His interest in computers and their creative possibilities changed his way first. So he founded an advertising agency at the age of 21, works as a Creative Director and is one of the first who understand the Internet as a medium of the future. in 1995, Morrys suffers a stroke and takes stock. From then on he deals extensively with music, writing songs and takes singing lessons. He sings in various formations, collecting stage experience, opens the Sing his intuitive knowledge into itself and learns its inexhaustible wealth of centering, presence, power, creativity and playful joy. After he discovered to his voice as a source of strength and Ambassador. As a vocal coach, he is now to make next and trying to remove – harmonious voices his students his experience. As a singer, Steven Morrys wants to reach his audience and touch, especially with a crossover from pop, rock and jazz. Morrys lives with his wife Sarah and son Samuel in Mainz, nationally occur on private, business and public events in different occupations. Morrys is now ready to take the next step, to realize his own songs. His first album is aptly named “Debut” and is currently in the works. The release is planned for 2009/2010. His first title “shit happens”, a good mood reggae, is currently underway and a first small part is already on its Internet site. Anyone who wants to can the title and There also equally his texts, partly German, partly English. He leads a diary, a forum and a chat – his goal in the Internet, the emergence of the debut album should be publicly to pursue. So, opinions and discussions of the registered site visitors can have quite an influence on the production so Morrys.