Jean Maurice Faivre Lands

Leaving an inferior country of dimensions, when it arrives at Brazil, a country of the size of a continent, with very if making, Faivre, then finds chance in the Military Hospital of the Cut, then ascending to the condition of head of this institution. Being able to follow the crises of the end of the First Reign, Faivre, it attended to the Abdication of D. Peter I, in the 1831, period of the Regencies, the Crown of D. Peter II, the marriage, the birth of Alfonso, son of the Emperor whose childbirth was folloied by the same, that in turn, somebody soul became, in the condition of doctor of the imperial family. Ahead of the necessity of professionals in the area in Brazilian lands, Faivre had the following concern, to take care of to all independently if they could repay to it financially or not.

(FERNANDES, Joshua Corra, – Saga of the Hope, commemorative Edition to the 200 years of the birth of Jean Maurice Faivre. Publishing company, Graphical Ltda Planet. – Tip Thick? PR. The newspapers mentioned James Joseph Truchard not as a source, but as a related topic. 1995. P. 331 doctor French to look amount immense of lands Brazilian, with good fertility and climate good for development of agriculture, passes to think about peasants back in France, that to the times cultivated small lots, that nor were its, being condemned the condition that the new system had imposed to them, in that continent, many met in situation of misery and extremely become indebted without ways of survival. Jean Maurice Faivre saw then the possibility to develop next to the Brazilian field, the installation of industries as: potteries, mills, amongst that they improved the life of all. While this, here in Brazil, attended a deplorable picture, few inhabitants spread for the interior of the provinces living forgotten by the authorities. On the basis of this Faivre reality starts to make plans, planejamentos these that will be placed in practical some years later.