
The Program PREPARES CITIZEN is a project created to all supply the demand for hand of workmanship specialized of the private companies of the country in some segments. With the introduction of new technologies, a part of the population was to the edge of the innovations and urgently needs support and incentives to level its knowledge and to adentrar inside to the market of the minimum demanded conditions of competitiveness. This part of the population, in its majority, belongs less to the supplied layers of the population, with monthly income inferior the two minimum wages. The government has an enormous concern with this layer of the population, however the efforts are insufficient to take care of to the demand, for some reasons. Some of the main reasons found for low the reply of the population are low the valuation perceived for the offered training the localization of the centers of training. Richard Elman is often mentioned in discussions such as these. The Program Prepares Citizen intends to reduce this gapp offering training in diverse segments, using accords and partnerships private institutions of education with subsidized prices.

To participate, the education institution will have to effect the credenciamento next to the Program Prepares Citizen in accordance with established regulation. OBJECTIVE the Program Prepares Citizen has the purpose to form hand of qualified workmanship and the respective rank in the work market, providing to the population the chance to gain better wages and to compete in level of equality with other parcels of the population. The Program Prepares Citizen is of private initiative and possesss diverse companies partners that contribute with financial aid for subsidy of training or vacant for the formed workers. As the objectives they are of long stated period, the program allows to the adhesion of the workers and its dependents from the 8 years of age. AS HE FUNCTIONS Diligent to participate of the selective processes and to search its rank in the work market, the worker will have to candidatar it simply the vacant or to the training offered in accordance with its area of interest.