
Peru, in contrast of the too much South-american countries, came back to the democracy in a context of violence explosion, after the government of General Bermdez (1975? 1980). Although that in Cuba if followed the only domain of the Communist Party and in Mexico almost continued the hegemony without plea of the PRI, 1989 were marked by presidential elections in almost all the Latin American countries, even so characterized by differentiated rhythms of transistion politics. Another question that it will have great United States intervention with its relation with Latin America is concerning the drug trafficking, where this fact will be guideline of the United States external politics concerning its politics of national security, where in accordance with Ayerbe: From the republican administrations of years 80, the great change that if operates in the combat to the traffic of drugs will be the entailing of this problem with the national security, surpassing the internal scope and police of the repression, to changed itself into subject of external politics, in which the participation of the Armed Forces in operations is of the country starts to be argued. (AYERBE, 2002, P. 213) Entered the decade of 1990 the North American administrations would try to help to reconstruct the devastadas economies of Central America, but the attentions if had come back toward the nations of the old Soviet block. The aid to the region, in such a way economic as to militate, fell abruptly in arrasado human scene.

For good part of America Latin, with the economic crisis of the decade of 1980, this if reflected in an increase of the poverty and magnifying of the social inaqualities. It was a very high cost in the democratic return, still more in a new international picture, in which Latin America for Washington, one more time, left to have importance. FINAL CONSIDERAES Finally, we understand the United States relations with regard to Latin America in the years Reagan, if they had always given of form, where U.S.A. had searched with such relationships to promote its politics and economy the nations of America, where ranks and taxes in practical the United States interests would be, therefore implements its politics of intervention in these countries, however financing the right dictatorships, however financing armed groups in form of engages in guerilla warfare both lined up to the United States interests, and not being basic in the process of transistion for democracy of the region, therefore, such process was much more a question of internal character economic politician and who had the crises where the region was much affected and the manifestations of the public opinion and the population, what for United States incentive during the age Reagan. Ayerbe REFERENCES, Luis Fernando. United States and Latin America: the construction of the hegemony..